[ PVE Poison Enchantress Build] 14 Sextillion DMG, floor M3 3,500

U need mana shield proc

Btw that looks like cheat haha


As you can see I put MP Regen instead of HP Regen. Does that change anything? With all that the maximum DMG I saw was 20biliones

I think that doesnt change anything, i think.

My max dmg is 34B … What could be happening?

yeah…but I still farm for equipment



1 mp regen is enough. you need 1 more hp regen. Read what Equality set does. Adjust your MP and HP on Strength and Intelligence. Replace 45% CD with Dodge

Ok now I just figured out why & how u are getting this much dmg w Equality & I wasn’t. It it’s a big dmg boost if Barbarian is high too

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That’s right. that’s the reason I intended to keep may GC ang barbarian at 97% so I can easily adjust my HP and MP to keep it equal.

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Continues with the same dmg

how much mana and hp you have?

How are you guys casting anything btw? Desperation will restore mana = to your regen, but if you max mana is 76 anyways how does the game let you cast any spells? Does desperation do: Gives you mana, then takes away mana = to cost of spell, then overflow tries to fill up mana bar?

Ok, to put it simply, your goal is to make your HP and MP equal to each other.
Equality increases DMG and all regen +37.5% of your total HP/MP Equality
that means you need to get 1 when you divide them.

in your case 1/76 = 0.013 you get very very little dmg and regen boost

in my build 462/449 = 1.02 thats how you get +37.5% gmd and all regen. That’s a big boost your base damage should be around 900K if you do it right

I dunno what you’re doing wrong and you only see 20B dmg. I’m at floor 4,300 M3 now and still seeing quintillion dmg.

It will ignore how much mana/max mana you have and base it on how much MP regen you have

Hi- I’ll let the others explain why, but I can tell u this build does cast. It creates Arcanist debuff & toxic clouds. Put the DPS build (the rogue above) on your hireling, and your main can wear farming gear if u want.

Idk why Arcanist is complicated but I’ve learned its best to find someone’s Arcanist build that works well & copy it exactly. When I tried to make my own it didn’t work as well. Most of those affixes @f00kee put on it are there for a reason.


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Hi @f00kee

Can I ask a question about the farming main’s gear- why do u prefer 2 Eternalized pieces & no Mythical pieces? I’m actually doing that now too bc I couldn’t tell the Mythical was working. Do u think the Mythical is not worthwhile?


Mythical is good but once you play enough times , you won’t need the mythical set affix. I know I don’t as I have a huge surplus of mythstones (I mean you do keep mythstones like Elixir for a while).

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In my experience so far, no matter whether I wear Mythical gear or not, I rarely find Elixer stone unless I have the Mythstone boost from buying it or watching a video

Someone told me Mythical works more on higher floors over 1500 so idk maybe that’s my problem I don’t usually farm that high