The Question Thread

maybe he ask dev to put him self in different league to test thing out for 2.1, since 2.1 bring new set affix, it will be confusing if he in same league. PROBABLY

Any feedback on my Q plz? :pensive:

@Emman oh I think thts possible but he got down so fast. lol

@cronos4321 I See that maybe true, Im just shocked since im on my 32 streak but never fought him. He is the only streak ender for my side. Haha

Clogon will return. Donā€™t worry :wink:

How in the world do I invite a friend to the game/forum?

I have a question for you guys. Does vanish mythic work randomley like bombard mythic or do you have to manually activate it? I assume vanish works like bombard but i am unsure. I am asking this because I donā€™t want to waste a slot if the mythic stays there and I canā€™t use it. I hope the answer is that vanish activates just like bombard.

My dream to making a mythic aftermath proc build is getting ever closer! At least 2 of the 2+ all sets will make my build flexible. One from nadroji ring and other from elixir mythstone which I am struggling to get. The build will use poison theme as well with plagued +druidic+blight combo along with the procs I add and stealth. I thank cronos4321 for inspiring me to continue improving my build by his green garden build and of course some tips/ advice.

Q2: Is rockblast better than bombard?

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@CuzegSpiked rockblast is single target where at bombard is AoE

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Not there =/

Could it be due to my trust level?

Yes i get that. I am an aoe person after all but I am just debating which one to use because both are really good. Rockblast has high range but bombard gives high dmg in a bigger area. I guess I should test both but I am thinking bombard will be best for my build. Skyfalls will be easy to find to test it. Also my frostfire regelia will be easy to find to test sureshot and skilled. Iā€™m guessing sureshot is better for me because I donā€™t use single shot comet often and the point is my build will deal huge dmg along with critc chance, crit dmg , stealth doubling it , vanish blinding enemies and the procs activating constantly. I have a really good feeling about the build too. Maybe I could swap frostfire regelia for nadroji robe for stun immune if I need it but I will decide that later on. The ultimate aftermath mythic proc build I am building will be very good for pvp and pve. I forsee this coming true :slight_smile: .

Iā€™m playing rogue and Iā€™d like to get a Rage set affix on a Chakram, is that possible? It appears Rage is available on warrior shield, chest, head and ring. If I jasper over a Chakram it becomes a sword, can I amethyst a Rage affix on it and then jasper back to Chakram?

Can I amethyst a Rage affix on a warrior sword even though it doesnā€™t come on that equipment?

yep that the way to get. X class weapon jasper to warrior class weapon. use amethyst and after u get rage set, jasper to X class weapon back.

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Hey! Go to your user profile and there should be an invite button at the top.

Are you going to be using a cataclysm ring for the procs? If so, will you be adding a set affix to it? Iā€™d like to make a proc heavy build myself so Iā€™m just looking for ideas.

Yes you can use catacylsm but to make life easier, use nadroji ring so you get the legend 2+ all sets and then add procs from ruby. Yes it will consume more rubys but if elixir mythstone is not happening for a month or 2, you might as well use nadroji ring. I used to use catacylsm but now I am using nadroji ring and it certainly makes life easier. Since i get gold easily, ruby shouldnā€™t be too hard.

Heres one other question. Is it just me or item drops increases the gold I find. I have item drops at 150% and if i come across a shrine, it becomes 200%. My item drops comes from fortune mythstones that add up to 100% and the 50-55% extra comes from fortune. My theory is item drops increases drops including gold and gold find increases the value of the amount of gold dropped. I have evidence for this because I tested me without the fortune boost and then me with foryune boost and I happened to get far more gold with item drops. The gold find counts too and my gold find is 625% with my pet and greed on 6 of the gears on mythic 3 difficulty. I did try it without gold find on pet and I came to the conclusion that gold find increases the amount of gold you drop. However, when I didnā€™t use item drops mythstones but I did use pet with gold find and 6 of the gear with greed, I got far less gold than with fortune mythstones.

Q2: If you have 650% gold cap already, does fortune at 20+ buff increase gold find and other loot affixes because from what I heard it does.

Q3: Do you have to one shot an enemy to get more loot and drops because I believe you do get more loot when enemies are one shotted. From my experience it does anyway but I might be wrong. Correct me if im wrong.

Q4: How much % buff does gold find 5 min boost give.
Q5: How much % buff does item rarity boost give.
Q6: How much % buff does exp boost guve
Q7: How much % buff does crystal and mythstone find give?
Q8: How much pack size % buff does monster spawn boost give?
Q9: How much % buff does pet xp boost give
Q10: What is the amount of luck, item drops and gold find % is it on eternal maps? Is it 2000% luck, 2000% Gold find 200% item drops.

Q11: Also is 500% crystal rarity, 500% mythstone rarity, 3 golden chests, 200% item quantity, 500% gold find and 500% Luck doubled on eternal maps to 1000% crystal rarity, 1000% mythstone rarity, 1000% gold find, 1000% luck, 6 golden chests and 400% item quantity. If so, Damn thats some huge affixes which also add with map 2000% gold find, luck, exp and 200% item drops which add with 1000% of gold find, luck and 400 item quantity. This can also add with your loot affixes, fortune at 20 and mythic 3 difficulty affixes as well as hirlings and shop boosts. Damn thats huge! I can see why everyone wants to save it for dq patch 2.1. and why they are extremly hard to get. I wish I had a map like this so hopefully I can find some elixir mythstones and a good abundance from eternal maps even when 2.1 comes out. I would find it even better if I used them at high floors like 1000. I am currently at floor 345 atm but close to 350.

Q12: Does luck affect eternalized and crystalline in terms of higher rarity because item drops makes you drop more so its a higher chance of them but luck increases rarity. Main point is: Does luck add up with loot set affixes. I have heard that luck has no apparent effect but I believe it does, albeit not much.

Q13: How much % buff does pick up radius boost give?
Q14: Finally, what is the pickup radius cap and how far can it reach to pick up items.

Equality = 100 - ((( HP - MP) / MP ) * 100) )
To maximize equality your HP and MP should be equal.
Example if 100 HP and 100 MP

100 - ((( 100-100) /100 ) * 100)) = 100 equality

Example if 100 HP and 200 MP
100 - (((100-200)/100)*100))) = 200. Right ?

Iā€™m looking for the nadroji crystal to do that with so I could still use cataclysm ring. If you had to remove a proc from cataclysm, which would it be?

Does MOMENTUM works when I use SKILLS with + % MOVE SPEED (for example: Sprint) ?

It will add. cap of momentum modifier is 100% MS