1.0beta to 2.0beta,3 years

Watching it grows up,anyone like me?

I never give up this game,because I believe it must be better and better!

Joined DQ 2 years ago, still playing, prolly the only one arpg without energy :dieter: my favorite android game so far :smile:

Me to.My favorite Android rpg!

Start playing DQ since patch 1.3 and still love it :smiley:

Can rember, I believe I started with 1.4.

Only now am I having any success in the game!

I started a long time ago but just recently played again with 1.8.1 patch.
I just got back to playing 1.8.1 when I joined the forum

I don’t know the patch but I was using warrior + unli assault toss :laughing:
had 200 floors only and had 2 classes warrior and wizard.

I didn’t notice that DQ had new versions lol. I was doing all the minor challenges per floor lol and was ready to enhance weapons :laughing:

The Update of patch for DQ is not required right? I think it should be required as other patch version might be abuse.

It is only required if you want to use Pvp and the new features. Being a good offline game is still the essence of DQ.

it already 3 years.? lol. i just start play a month ago… if i knew it sooner. sigh… ~T_T~

Any surprise gift for third anniversary? lol

[quote=“cronos1234”]it already 3 years.? lol. i just start play a month ago… if i knew it sooner. sigh… ~T_T~

Any surprise gift for third anniversary? lol[/quote]
Yeah, 2.0 patch and a full set of cs/ms as stated in the blog! :laughing: