Calcite (Floor 1) - changes Item Element to another random Element.
Angelite (Floor 3) - place one random Normal (Yellow) or Epic (Orange) affix on an Item.
Kyanite (Floor 30) - remove one Normal, Epic, Legend (Red), Set (Green), Socket (Yellow) affix from an Item.
Fluorite (Floor 40) - change the value of one Normal or Epic affix to another random value.
Fun Tip: when there are 5 affixes on an Item, the 6th affix will automatically be an Epic affix when using Angelite. this is because an Item with 6 affixes is an Epic Item with at least one affix being Epic.
all affixes will be Epic .
2 +100% Weapon Damage, one each on Main Hand & Off Hand Weapons.
2 +5000 Weapon Damage, one each on MH & OH.
2 +40% MP Reduce. one each on MH & OH. this actually reduces the MP cost of casting a Skill by -40%.
each of these affixes only affect the Skills of the Weapon it is on .
1 +15% Block. this affix can only be rolled on OH. for defense.
2 +10% Dodge. place on any Item or Pet. for defense.
2 +20% Elemental Damage. place on any Item or Pet. needs to be the same Element for at least one Weapon or no extra damage.
2 +15% Elemental Critical Chance. chance to cause Freeze, Orbit, Immolate, Toxic, Paralyze. place on any Item or Pet. needs to be the same Element of at least one Weapon.
2 +15% Attack Speed. cast your MH Primary Skill faster. place on any Item or Pet.
2 +10% Cooldown. cast your MH Special Skill and OH Primary & Special Skills with a faster Cool Down.
2 +15% Critical Chance. place on any Item or Pet. chance to do +50% more damage.
2 +75% Critical Damage. place on any Item or Pet. add this to the +50% Critical Chance Damage for total Critical Damage. 50 + 150 = +200% Critical Damage.
2 +10% Deadly Strike. place on any Item or Pet. this is a chance for Critical Damage to be doubled.
1 +10% Crushing Blow. place on any Item or Pet. chance to reduce enemies current HP by -25%.
1 +10% Bleed Chance. place on any Item or Pet. chance to cause an enemy to Bleed for 10 seconds.
1 +50% Bleed Damage. place on any Item or Pet. Bleed does more damage!
2 +30% Weaken. place on any Item or Pet. chance to cause Weaken damage. example: if your weapon does 1 million Fire damage and you hit an enemy Immune to Fire, with +60% Weaken, you have a 60% chance to do 600,000 Fire damage.
2 +5000 HP. place on any Item or Pet. more Health helps you last longer.
2 +5000 MP. place on any Item or Pet. more Mana lets you keep casting Skills.
2 +500 HP Regeneration. place on any Item or Pet. Regenerate this much every second until your Health is at 100%.
2 +500 MP Regeneration. place on any Item or Pet. Regenerate this much every second until your Mana is at 100%.
1 +250 HP on Hit. place on any Item or Pet. recover 250 HP for every enemy hit by an attack.
1 +250 MP on Hit. place on any Item or Pet. recover 250 MP for every enemy hit by an attack.
2 +75% Luck. place on any Item or Pet. increases the chance for a higher Tier Item up to Legend Tier.
2 +75% Gold Find. place on any Item. it’s better to have more Gold than not enough.
Warning!: it costs 5 Crystals when using Crystals on a Pet. example: it costs 5 Angelite to place one Normal or Epic affix on a Pet. it costs 5 Calcite each time you change the Element of a Pet.
different Elements have different effects. experiment to find the one you like to use the best.
this build does not need Legend Items.
if you want more of one Epic affix and fewer of another Epic affix, or want to try an Epic affix that isn’t on this build, just use the Crystals listed above to make the changes.
this build will help you learn how to Craft Items and later, Builds.
Item Natures will be random until you get Beryl Crystal.
Item Talents will be random until you get Citrine Crystal.
Item Quality can be improved up to +25% with Emerald Crystal.
Items with 1 or more sockets can have a Mythstone placed in them. Mythstones are found on floor 21 or higher.
Fun Tip: when changing the values of affixes on Legend Tier Items, the values will not go below about 75% of the affixes maximum value.
make sure you read through the whole Codex, there’s a lot of important information that will help you to have more fun playing Dungeon quest.
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