A Few Questions

Hi guys, I’ve been playing for a few weeks and I love this game, but I’ve realized there’s a lot that I don’t know about it. :smile:

First, I’ve noticed that there is only ever 1 pillar per map. Is that right, or have I just been unlucky in only ever finding one? In addition they seem to last for awhile, is it as long as you’re on that map and that’s why there’s only one?

Second, and this is maybe a bug, I have recently got to lvl 99 on my warrior and started leveling a second warrior to fight higher maps with my main warrior. I hate ranged characters, not sure why. :smiley: Anyway I don’t seem to be getting hero points where I think I should be, and I can’t remember when exactly the points started. So I was wondering what level they start and who gives them. I was under the impression it was any orange name but maybe not. I’ve only noticed it with both of my warriors together.

Thanks for the help.

You can get hero points by killing epic enemies (orange text named enemies like floor guardians,shrine champions,enslaver,cartographers,etc. You can gain hero points past floor 100 depends what EP(enemy power) you are playing. And pillars once activated take effect as long you’re in the map.

Pillars are only one per map (not on every floor) and lasts the entire floor.

Excellent, thanks for the replies. I’ll check again and make sure I was past 100 and see if I then get points.

True what tdaniel said not every map have pillars.

You’re welcome…play and enjoy the DQ game.[emoji6]

[quote=“aSar”]True what tdaniel said not every map have pillars.

You’re welcome…play and enjoy the DQ game.[emoji6][/quote]

Considering I am level 99 I generally restart floors with an exp shrine… it should turn into an increased goldfind shrine once 99. :smile:

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That’s a good idea. I’ve seen an experience shrine a few times and thought, well that’s a waste. :smile:

Since you guys were so helpful the first time, I have another question. If my hireling and I both can apply bleeds, who’s takes effect? The first one applied, or the strongest? If I would hit with a stronger bleed while an enemy is affected, does it overide and refresh the duration? I guess this would apply to all dots as well like poison and burn, right?

that is not a good idea…your pets use the extra experience as well…and it is VERY VERY HARD to get a lvl 99 pet…


That’s a good idea. I’ve seen an experience shrine a few times and thought, well that’s a waste. :smile:

Since you guys were so helpful the first time, I have another question. If my hireling and I both can apply bleeds, who’s takes effect? The first one applied, or the strongest? If I would hit with a stronger bleed while an enemy is affected, does it overide and refresh the duration? I guess this would apply to all dots as well like poison and burn, right?[/quote]

Effects Stacked

Ok that’s good news. Wasn’t sure if I should switch builds on one of them, guess I don’t have to.

I’d only worry about getting a level 99 pet once I find a legendary one.

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