About Enslavers

I haven’t built one yet but my warrior is basically a fortune bringer. Good example is this one from f00kee .

My warrior was based off fortune bringer but no need excessive affixes.

Generally for any build, efficient farm affix setup is 2x gold find crystal affix on main since gold find doesn’t need hirling to achieve but with 1x luck crystal affix on main and the other luck crystal affix on hirling.

Fortune 20 on both characters. 6x luck nature per character and mythic 3 difficulty on each character.

For item drops, either use all 6 fortune Mythstone per character and fortune 20 per character or 4x legend item drops affix per character with the fortune 20.

This setup above is if you have Epiphany (5) on both characters but I’m assuming you don’t have. This guaranteed 1012% gold and luck find as well as 350% item drops (812% luck and gold find with 250% item drops but it’s 350% due to 100% item drops bonus above cap).
Of course you also use Eternalized, Crystalline and/or Nadroji.

The setup without the need of epiphany below:

Gold find: 1x crystal affix gold find , 2x fortune 20, mythic 3 on both characters and 1x gold nature on main character gets you easy 650% gold find (850% with fortunate). This on main.

For luck: mythic 3 on both characters, fortune 20 on both characters, 1x crystal affix luck per character and some luck nature’s or so per character.

Item drops without epiphany: fortune 20 per character and at least 3x Legend item drops per character for max 200% item drops (300% when using hirling due to 100% bonus that makes it above cap) or using a certain amount of fortune Mythstone per character with fortune 20.

Of course this build even without epiphany would need farm sets such as crystalline and Eternalized and/or Nadroji . Even though no Epiphany, a lot more dmg and it’s cheaper if you haven’t found Epiphany.

My farm builds are terribly built so I think it’s a bad example to show. That’s why I’m considering rebuilding my farm builds.