Dev can you add to the game the no confirmation for converting items and bulk convert for easy way to farm crystals .thanks i hope you appreciate my request .
That would be convenient
I discovered that when you press right arrow, it’s one at a time, but if you press left arrow, it’s 1000 (less if you have less than 1000 Crystals or Mythstones or not enough Gold). if you keep pressing left or press right, you just subtract from 1000 one at a time (just experimented with it).
Convert is 1000 for 500 of next higher if you have enough Crystals, Mythstones, or Gold. it looks like if you press right, you can increase the 500 higher, but probably only up to 1000 (tested, but not up to 1000)
Salvage is 1000 for 1000 of next lower if you have enough Crystals, Mythstones, or Gold.
What i mean is converting epic items bulk for easy farm crystals .
… … . that’s a great idea. I don’t normally convert Epic Items, even though they are cheaper than converting Legends, but when you consider how many Epic Items are found with a good Farm Build, it’s a great way to get a start on lots of Normal & Rare Crystals.
maybe have a toggle button system similar to the Imps Item Tier Pick Up from options.
180k to convert an Epic Item to Normal or Rare Crystal.
245k to convert a Legend Item to a Rare Crystal.
500k to convert a Crystal or Eternal Legend to an Ultra Rare Crystal.
500k to convert a Mythic Legend to a Rare Mythstone.
I don’t have one to test, but I think a Mythic Eternal Legend would be 500k to convert to an Ultra Rare Mythstone.
Yes mythic and eternal 500k for converting them
so much Gold… !
Why ? You dont know how to get that so much gold?
no way! I can Farm Gold like crazy and sell Items for even more.
it’s just that, one time, I had about 500 million Gold, and I started converting all Legend, Eternal, and Crystal Items I found to Crystals. with a Good Farm Build, I was getting lots of Gold, but I was also averaging 5 to 7 Legends a Map and 1 Eternal and/or Crystal Item about every 3 Maps… lets just say I spent more Gold converting to Crystals than I was finding. there were sometimes I’d find 10+ Legends, 2+ Eternals, and maybe a Crystal Items, and converting all of them cost’s more Gold than I found on the Map or got selling Items in my Inventory.
sure, I had a ton of Crystals, even 10+ of all the Ultra Rare ones, but my Gold went below 10 million really fast. well, actually, I didn’t notice it going down until I started wondering why my Gold was 300 million and going down instead of 500 million and going higher. but I kept converting… and now I’m kind of working on a better Gold getting Farm Build, especially since I added an Eternalized Set for more Eternal Items dropping.
because I’m always trying out new build ideas, I haven’t gotten my Gold over 200 million in something like 4 years I think. testing builds costs lots of Gold ‘grumble grumble’ . for now, I switch back and forth between converting to Crystals or Dust depending on if my Gold is high or low.
Spend a year straight of farming.
Farm, accumulate, and hoard!
right now, Wizard 1 is Farming or Climbing.
Rogue 1 is Climbing to Floor 505 then Farming for awhile before Climbing.
Warrior 1 is hibernating until I have time to do something, but probably Climb to 505 and Farm, maybe end up as Farm Hireling. also have to think of a PVP Build for 2v2.
Wizard 2 is PVP and working on maxing out Pet affixes. sort of on hold until I have lots of Crystals & Mythstones for a serious PVP Build that can get me into Eternal League Division 4 or higher. will eventually Ascend for Eternal Frame & all 6 Perks.
Rogue 2 is Ascending for 6 Perks and then going to be a floor climber and 2v2 PVP builds.
Wizard 3 is Ascending for 6 Perks and will be a little of everything, testing, Climbing, 2v2 PVP, Farm Hireling.
so much to do, so little time.