Anyone playing any new games over the holiday break?

@tdaniel I hadn’t heard of PoE until your post. Checked it out & :flushed::heart_eyes::+1:t2:

Question, is it possible to play Steam games on an iPad? I’m thinking…no :disappointed:

nah, no steam games on an ipad. Well not yet any way :slight_smile:


Hardcore theorycrafters here in DQ would absolutely love theorycrafting in PoE. The passive skill tree really got me to play it. Sadly, I got semestral finals on its upcoming patch.

Can only recommend Path of Exile for pure-bread theory crafters as ktl09 said. Also, i loved the hard-core mode, but stopped playing after a very old toon died due to lack of attention from my side ^ ^

I played for about an hour last night…GOT MY BUTT KICKED…as an “old man” I felt very humbled. I need to put away my level 9 million paragon D3 characters and come back to reality :).

Just curious…what are your thoughts on PoE’s difficulty? Too much, too little, or just right?

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I freakin’ LOVED the difficulty. Such a grind initially, but then you find a specific item and start evolving a build around that item, and you can feel the build coming together slow and steady… I love it!
Among other things, it’s what I love about Griffins duct tape build. It might not be the perfect build from the start, and you might not have all the best items from the start, but I still have feeling that it’s taking shape and that I’m moving forward all the time.
It’s perfect for me, as far as the gaming experience I enjoy:)

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i recorded an hour or so of TF2 last night…bonkers good!!

i am going to give ESO another try today as well. that uses PSN id’s to get sup parties right?

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Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s the case. If you’re interested in teaming up on either game let me know man. I’ll be on all night and love playing with new people

kk, will let you know when I pop on.

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