Ascending Ascendant (8) Build

I’m Ascending my third Wizard for all 6 Perks with Ascendant Set at Rank 8.

Main Hand: Ascendant’s Rod of Greed - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Comet & Meteor
+Ascendant Bonus
(8) Ascendant
+30% Experience Gain (Quest)
+5 All Elementalist
+100% Weapon DMG
+40% MP Reduce

Off Hand: Chromatic Orb of Luck - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Teleport & Shatter
(8) Ascendant
+30% Experience Gain (Quest)
+10 Intelligence
+40% MP Reduce
+100% Weapon DMG
+20% Arcane DMG

Chest: Astral Shroud of Greed - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Sorcery 20
(6) Angelic
+30% Experience Gain (Quest)
+5 All Elementalist
+10 Intelligence
+20% Arcane DMG
+75% Crit DMG

Head: Arcanist Hood of Luck - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Amplify 20
(5) Arcanist
+30% Experience Gain (Quest)
+15% Attack Speed
+20% Arcane DMG
+15% Reduced CD
+10 Amplify

Ring: Mind Trick of Greed - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Magnify 20
(5) Living Force
+2 Multi Attack (Zenith)
+2 All Sets (Elixer)
+40% Experience Gain (Quest)
+75% Crit DMG
+15% Attack Speed

Amulet: Alchemy Amulet (was Prismatic Necklace) of Luck - Arcane Element
IQ +25%, Fester 20
Adventure Mythic
(8) Ascendant
+88.2% Weaken (not at max yet)
+40% Experience Gain (Quest)
+2 All Sets (Elixer)
+2 Multi Attack (Zenith)

Pet: Fairy Sera - Wish - Arcane Element
(8) Ascendant
+13.6% Crit Chance
+14% Attack Speed
+14% Reduced CD
+194 MP on Hit
+203 HP on Hit

Set Affixes:

I wanted to use Ascendant (8) to reduce enemy Resists to 0 for full damage with all attacks on all Maps. and I get the benefits of all 5 Elements.

Living Force (5) is because I’m using Comet for my main attack damage.

Angelic (6)(5) is for more APS & DMG for Comet. I’ll reduce it to (5) when I replace one with Arcanist Set.

Arcanist (5) - I’ll put this on the Head Item when I get some Amethyst Crystals. this will improve my damage output.

Set Affix Bonus

Ascendant Bonus - Gain +50% Weaken when you have 2 Ascendant equipped. this is added to the Crystal Weaken.

Mythic Affix:

Adventure gives me 1 experience for every Gold picked up.


Quest - six of these give me +200% experience from killing monsters AND +200% experience from Gold picked up with Adventure Mythic!

Elixer - two of these give me +4 to all Set Affixes being used (cap is 8)

Zenith - two of these give me +4 Comets that do 50% damage each.

Crystal Affixes:

Weaken - at +140%ish, all damage does extra Weaken DMG. the few enemies that might be Immune to Fire, Ice, Shock, or Poison still take 130% Weaken DMG and full damage from the other Elements.

I’ll be adding 5 more Crystal affixes for a more powerful build. hopefully, if RNG is good to me, they’ll be affixes that I’m using on my Build already.

Legend Affixes:

Intelligence for more MP Regen, MP, and All Resist.

All Elementalist I’ll go down to 2 later and go for Rank 40 in all 4 of my Talents. for now, they are all Rank 32.

Epic Affixes:

+100% Weapon DMG on both Weapons for lots more DMG.

+40% MP Reduce on both Weapons reduces Skill costs by 40%.

+20% Arcane DMG. with three I have +60% Arcane DMG for even more DMG!

+23.6% Crit Chance. Chance to do +50% more DMG.

+75% Crit DMG x 2. added to Crit Chance +50% DMG = +200% Crit DMG!

+44% Attack Speed. casting Comet faster is better.

+34% Cooldown. less time to wait to cast Meteor, Teleport, and Shatter.

MP on Hit so I don’t run out of Mana to use Skills!

HP on Hit so I keep my Health up. Dying sucks.


Sorcery 30 +150% DMG to Element DoT’s. more damage for more DPS!

Amplify 40 +80% DMG for each Element DoT on enemy. lots more damage for even more DPS!

Magnify 30 +6% AoE Range. affects all my skills. also affect AoE of Explosive affix, but I took those off for other affixes that I needed more.

Fester 30 +75% Element DoT duration and speed for 4 seconds on Hit.

I hope this helps you when you make your own ascending build for Perks.

Note: experience from enemies stops increasing at floor 100.

Edit: only using this on floor 100.

Edit: changed the Crown of Elements of Luck to Arcanist Hood of Luck to obtain Arcanist Set. 3 Talents go down to 30 Ranks while Amplify goes up to 40 Ranks.