Bam 30K+ Armor

I see everyone obsessed with DPS so I set out for a different goal.

Q. How did you do it?
A. Using the new +% Total Armor (I have +19.5-20% on every item)
As well as using the Hardened Talent and +Armor.

I was going for a tanky build not caring about DPS

I could potentially get it up to maybe 35K if I max my level and I get even better affixes.

I do however want max block(75%) so I sometimes change my items up a bit.

I’ll post some items if you guys request it enough. :smile:


Awesome! Nice job, I have thought about checking that out myself just to see how high I could get my damage reduction percentage. I would guess that you’ve invested heavily in HP as far as stat point distribution goes, while increasing the hardened talent as much as possible! @ 30 talent points in hardened, w/ 299 pts in HP, you’d have ~14k armor, without the 1000 AR you get from 4 level 100 items… so ~18k armor with that AR added in… Add % total armor in there, and that’d be a LOT of AR.

I’ve also considered doing something similar with insight and dodge on a wizard, while using spellbinder or a bracer in general to give a tank/thorn effect.

I got to about 90% dodge, but now that double affixes (epic and normal) aren’t available its no use…

urlaub fürs gehirn

We’ve actually been playing around with the idea of a “Effective Health Pool” leaderboard that’s a combination of your HP and Total Mitigation. The stat is related to your Total Reduced Damage stat, but actually puts a health pool number to it.


I like the sounds of that or maybe like ehp+dps formula like on diabloprogress that would be your pvp score obviously call it something like Hero Score?

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I like that!

Slightly off-topic, but also a leaderboard entry of legends collected is already in effect but it would also be awesome to have number of epics, rares, magic, and normal items collected would be awesome data to have, as well as percentages, instead of a total luck/drop rate leaderboard value. That way players can see how they match up to each other when treasure hunting.

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Or maybe a total gold collected.

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So add statistics leaderboards in general. If im not gonna top the dps board, then at least the “enchants failed” one. :stuck_out_tongue:

urlaub fürs gehirn

That would be so awesome Steigerbox if we could get a Total Damage Reduction leaderboard.

At least then I might get some recognition for all my efforts :smile:

I’ve gotten 35k+ armor now aiming for 40k haha

I also stumbled upon a boss called Steiger I wonder how that got in there haha

What’s your reduction on floor 200?

[quote=“M@ssey”]Slightly off-topic, but also a leaderboard entry of legends collected is already in effect but it would also be awesome to have number of epics, rares, magic, and normal items collected would be awesome data to have, as well as percentages, instead of a total luck/drop rate leaderboard value. That way players can see how they match up to each other when treasure hunting.

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I agree that would be awesome.
Maybe a number of perfect items found such as items with all epic effixes

+1 for the Statistics of Normal/rare/epiic/legends Item found
-1 for the Statistics of “Perfects” item (6 affixes?) found
There is few chances to get it and no one really cares, actually if someone want 6 epic affixes, it’s all about craft ^^

Well since my thread got bumped I’ll give a quick update.

At 38K+ armor right now and to answer Diiete
Last time I checked it was 80%+ reduction.

I’m pumped for the total reduction leaderboard, I might finally get recognition.

Would be nice having some screens :smile: