Battle Arena Crafts Analysis; And What is Your Favorite Craft?

Good to know you are aware and acted upon it.
Fraud is everywhere.

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@NUIQUE dont have much time to play right now. im planning to purchase another slot. time to experiment some Rogue build for arena.


Lost 10 games on bus from work got demoted to div six. First two games I played at home I got an eternal chest followed by a legend. Edging on eternal 3. I’m going to demote my character my character to normal league then climb back up :thinking:

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@Bizarro_Stormy just died at the annoying hands of your ricochet rogue :upside_down_face: I noticed that while your build was lightning based your amulet was ice based and I got frozen. Tried a similar idea in the past but it was ussless.

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New build… That is interesting, how you lose this battle ?

I did not wish to giveaway 2v2 MMR but regardless, that is the strongest Discordance Twister I have seen by far.

You gonna update your toon anytime soon?

I got it,thanks.
Sad to say my account got banned.
Still waiting the devs reply.

Wait, your account too?


I was flagged about 4 months ago. I know how you feel.

You will both be probably fine.

Crazy how anyone got flagged so easy…


I love one piece, my fav anime ^^

well, either someone didn’t like losing or new players who don’t know the difference between properly Crafted PVP Build and Cheat PVP Builds.

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Ohhh!!! have you had your Furies in your Timewarp and had their DMG go up? they look like they are ranged. and I can’t remember if this was discussed before, sorry.

Hard to tell because furies charge out of time warp radius and towards enemy. .Going to test it on dummy now.

Hahahahaha :heart_eyes: Oh yes it does :sunglasses: Oh by the way just killed me a cheater

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Pretty arena pictures


Furies everywhere…

I envy you.
Maybe I should get back to my furies now.


I am still flagged…, but I can say most of this cheaters are weak, but thats not all… 30-40% of them are NO cheaters, they don’t even have modified items, so Idk why they are flagged too…

I can’t even upload or download my character on DQ cloud, Idk why… I hope the support bring me back to normal arena one day…

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