Best single hit in battle arena = 2.19M

@NUIQUE what exactly is an Olympian build ? You can message me privately but I’m not really competitive and very lazy so you can say here :grinning:

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I refer to @golem’s designation somewhere here in the threads. According to him, it is a generalized term for builds that can reach beyond one million damage in one hit. @golem might want to explain it here too

I have the basics right already which allowed me to get to 2.25m.


My mind boggles.

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As I guess I would say weapon damage , element damage , legend element critical and critical chance , and then things like deadly strike, critical chance etc ?

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I really want to share with you the basics my friend but I will spoil the secrets kept by other people here if I do.


  1. It is much more fun to figure it out yourself.

  2. You will not be using the craft on a regular basis due to several reasons that people also did not explain here.


That’s okay my friend :slightly_smiling_face: Such a build will be a one strike wonder with no defence :heart_eyes:

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@dickwad as you can see, I came up with a number of interesting names for @Mr_Scooty Crafting Ideas & Builds.


Teach me pls… hohoho

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Teachaaa! yah:relaxed:


@dickwad and @brang

There are actually three different approaches to getting Olympian damage - each one also applicable only against specific kinds of builds.

One is used by Mr Scooty,

One is used by Tokiba

One is used by Mandlebrot.

Again, these are different approaches
That’s a lot of hints already. :bar_chart: :eye::eye:


Here is some help from my favorite pupfeed_puppy_cover




Well thanks for giving nothing away @NUIQUE :yum: I’ve not played pvp for a week so I checked my ranking and got a nice surprise

I think my toon is strawberry Fields


Number 26 I’m getting closer

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and i know all of them :smiley:


Go go go @dickwad!

I really want to see you get to top before I go. (Oops, that came out the wrong way).

Use the anti-immortal craft for a quick hike :point_up:
It should shuttle you up to div2 at least.

Anyway, to motivate you to use the anti-immortal craft of @mr_scooty , it can get you to +1.0 million damage in one hit with little modifications.

That’s another hint again and I am talking too much already.



Now pick one and push it to top.

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@NUIQUE thanks for the vote of confidence and also to @Mr_Scooty who believes @Golem and I should be fighting over positions 1 and 2. But my reflexes are slower at 50. So golem will have to do it :sunglasses:

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:rofl: your Characters should have better reflexes than you! :wink:

besides, my reflexes are even slower than yours! :older_man:

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I tested my characters AI and they are truly scary :grinning: I just need to push them into an active division then hold back and let their AI shine.

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