Best single hit in battle arena = 2.19M

@Mr_Scooty this reminds me of @GermanyPro way back. remember?

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Waitings… :sweat_smile::joy:

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heard of this guy before
is a decent player who’s waiting for DQ2 so badly

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Its easyer on the dummy :slight_smile:

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No God! No! God! Please! No. No!!! NO!!! NOOOOOO!!!

I think players who Craft Immortal and/or Anti-Immortal Builds are taking the first baby steps on the road to Crafting Olympian & Anti-Olympian Builds.

the fact that @Mr_Scooty has created these Builds shows how much work and effort he has put into making us lowly players aware of the next level of Battle Arena Contests. he has already given us the gift of the Immortal & Anti-Immortal Builds, which is the first step to reaching the Bright and Glorious Realm of Olympia!!

thanks Mr_Scooty@ for your Immortal Hints and giving us a glimpse of the Olympian Realm!

Edit: just refreshed my memory by reading this Thread again, and I think Mr_Scooty@ shouldn’t reveal the Olympian Build until you have Crafted the ASGARDIAN BUILD (said with reverb & echo) for the New Olympians to take their first baby steps on the path to the Asgardian Realm.


Thing is i personally tryed the olympian build and the anti immortal barrage build and this is my conclusion:

Anti immortal build will get you to top arenas

Olympian build : good luck! But on the other hand olympian build is more of a fun build to see them big damage numbers. Wich is why i made one and trying to hit that 2m damage in arena


haha, I know! @Mr_Scooty about 2.5x more Deadly DMG from his earlier Post (1.23M vs. 3.17M)!

I’m constantly changing my immortal and and anti immortal hybrid builds and choosing seperate characters for 1v1 and 2v2 .in the latter I have an immortal and anti immortal . In 1v1 I have an anti. All use apocalypse.

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Agree… but “every build have a weakness”. If @Mr_Scooty finally release that olympian build. I think is the arena is getting fired up again! :heart_eyes:
But its up to @Mr_Scooty if he really want to release it. Coz crafting your own build is hard to create… :sweat_smile:

personally, I think @Mr_Scooty has already passed up the Asgardian Build and has already Crafted the QUINTESSENCE BUILD! or at least already has the Theories to Craft a Quintessence Build.
3B+ DMG & an Infinite DMG Resistance.

I guess an Asgardian Build would be ~2B DMG with high DPS & really amazing DMG Resistance compared to an Olympian Build, which is the next step past an Immortal Build.

and of course a Quintessence Build is a Game Breaker and would require a DQ2 to make players happy again. :blush: :nerd_face:

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I’ve made so many builds that my head pops . Cannot wait for DQ2 to start my head popping again :grinning:

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Yeah… i think it will good when @Mr_Scooty release olympian… Arena will on fire again, because player will try that build as a base, tweaking, improvisation, and for player who not good making build, its like miracle


I will take everyone’s comments into consideration. I can just ban @Golem from the forum if I decide to post it. That way he cannot view the craft. :rofl: Just kidding…

I liked the idea of everyone trying to figure out the craft but it’s been over a year since I posted some results of the craft.


Ban :hammer:??? :cry::sob::sweat_smile::nauseated_face::face_with_head_bandage::face_vomiting::cold_face::woozy_face::dizzy_face::exploding_head::confused::worried::open_mouth::astonished::pleading_face::anguished::fearful::cold_sweat::scream::sweat::skull_and_crossbones::ghost:!!!


@brang & @Mr_Scooty there are already some players getting a handle on Crafting an Olympian Build, so if it ends up causing too much of an imbalance in the BA because other players are having a hard time figuring it out, then I can see an Olympian Build Reveal with some basic tips in the future. :crystal_ball:


To me an Olympian would be fast , built like a brick shit house ( old fashioned outside toilet in UK) , lots of evasion but lots of critical.

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@dickwad and @Golem

Example below is Olympian equivalent weapon. Tyrannosaur 577 T-Rex gun. I will ponder the post.



The attack hurts the user unless they prepare ?.. sound’s masochistic.


An equivalent weapon suggests a fast weapon any class. The weapon harms the user but increases the damage. So the trick is to stay alive ?


haha, that last scene, checking that guys eyes for a concussion!

I found myself captivated by this video!!! @dickwad, it looks as though even the shooters who knew their way around guns had a hard time with it. @Mr_Scooty a Build that knockbacks you into the Arena wall and stuns you can only make things easier for your opponent to win. :smirk_cat:


@Golem true . You have the deadly vortex to deal with… Got an idea :sunglasses: leidlers Lance.