Best Warrior Build for pve?

umm…link pls?
sorry but the forums format isnt too friendly or is it just me. Havin hard time to browse/read/write on it. Im using chrome android btw

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Best build so far is Arcanist Ascendant build with a hireling, just search for it.

By hireling u mean companion? I hv yet to buy tht… also is it really necessary? I prefer solo tbh.

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try this frozen blade
i see it in this forum and i try it its effective in 1000 floor+ so cool thid build

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Tht looks good. I’m also big fan of torrent. But I would like to know stat and skill points for this build, mind to share? :slight_smile:

…or lets start with editing my build. Tell me what I need to get/change/update to match ur build as close as possible. as for pet, if any of em didnt suit it, pls tell me wht should I get.

Pls help… currently I’m at floor 200ish, so I need to picture wht my build would be :slight_smile:

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100% block, fl1500+…NO die


Uh nice… but the problem for me is the poison and thorny of the mythic boss. How u overcome tht?
and nice pet! I got 12 unusable pet, stupid affixes :frowning:

its better to use horn and lance the adventurer + momentum

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I’ll try tht and see how it goes… any recommended affixes on it?

Element DMG, Elem crit, glass cannon, push the limit, steal for survival :smile:

i used Frozen Blade in 1500 floor with 11M power and 1 HP you will not die .tnt drops is your best enemy in farming. i used Twister and taunt special skill

i personally have the exploding whirlwind build, i cant provide screen shoots as of now. but the jest of it is it can kill a carto in 3 sec 800+ up. good against 120% + pack size, biggest dmg i’ve seen it done is 12B. not as mobile as the anti carto build but it kill’s everything in its way, no survivors.

Whooah so many suggestion lel. I’m trying to mix each of em (genius me!) so heres the current build:

anything I miss??
Also I still cant figure out the advantages of stealth. Enlight me pls…

@emperador u sure mate? U wont die even with 1 hp?? even in skyfall map?

yes 100% sure you can avoid skyfall because of fast moving. thats why i said only tnt drops can kill you. and for that you can change the map affix by using larimar. make sure that they dont have tnt drops on your map

hello Jonathan. nyaw

Did u not fight anything other than carto?
How u survive against myth boss?

I like to sweep the floor as clean as possible, including all shrine. I might try 100% GC later depending on ur answer tho ^^ (out of crystal atm lel)

Also wht bout stealth?? Should I drop it?

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move to the carto and kill it first to loot a next map before you clean the map. with the used of your skill switching. you can touch any mobs . all mobs cant attack because you taunt him then push it by using twister. and frozen will kill do the rest