Also can anyone clarify how the 2% HP on hit mythstone works? I know it is based off of base HP, just no idea how I would find out my base HP
Your farming build is good dude i mean dont replace any Crystal affiz on it. I recommend create your own build for Floor hiking and a really high DPS with BloodMagic and Masochist on it. Though your done in farming build why dont create a marvelous build for floor hiking? So give it a go.
Sorry noob question,Hp on hit is healing effect or not?it say masochist healing effects damage you,what is that mean?
Yes HP on hit is considered a healing effect anything that restores HP is considered a healing effect
How can you cast a spell when you have a Low HP like u only 5% HP left? So HP on hit is a must and even if Masochism damages you when above 50%, Atleast you still have +500 HP on hit to cast spells but beware about the Leech Nerf of the Map affixes.
Using Bloodmagic+Masochism with HP on hit on PvP will totally be useless i mean other players will counter it with Set Affixes such as Demonic for reduced healing for 5 Sec but you can d3al more DMG when you have Low HP left. But still you can deal more DMG but the enemies can to because Demonic has a 100% increased DMG when the enemy is below 30% HP only so the more LOW HP you have, the more DMG you will dealt on them but for the enemies, The Lower HP you have, the more DMG will dealt because of Demonic
Hmm i see ty for explanation ,so if build masochism+blood magic need high hp hp leech and armor?other set increase damage like defiant and demonic?unfortunately im still poor, can’t try to build cos need high amount of resources
Try farming Eternal Legends in about 2 days then convert it to ultra rare crystals and dont forget to grind more golds.
And then obviously Glasscannon/Barbarian is not for Bloodmagic and Masochism so you will do really need some high HP and high Leech.
What Class you want to try with Bloodmagic + Masochism? And what type? (Ex. Bow, Ricochet, Dagger, Chakram)
I have weak damage of my pve hunt,but high gold find and luck,but now at floor 354 myth stone just found 1 elixir, 1 return,ultra legend item just 1 nadroji for crystal 2 ruby,4 zircon,2 jasper thats why i say cant build nice set coz high amount of resources
Im rogue if for masochism+bloodmagic i prefer chakram
I’m using flintlock on my bloodmagic+masochism build. The high attack rate coupled with +4 multi attack and a crystal HP on hit keep me from killing myself. Still working on it though. Taking fudgenever10 advice and using the (modified)frozen build right now to farm me up some more crystals.
What class you are currently using right now?
Rogue. Flintlock/Bomb.
Thanks for following my advice and did you have already crystalline and eternalized? This 2 Farming gears will help you finding Eternal & Crystal legends and also finding ultra rare crystals
Rogue now
Rogue ricochet would be pretty good for farming.
On floor 350+ try to find some Immortal Flintlock and a Crystalline cap and 2 Nadroji (Robe and Amulet) Then put some Item drops via ruby or via fortune mythstone if you have a couple and for the OH Set Affix Defiant or Frozen via amethyst but i recommend frozen for fast clearing mobs.
Since you camt still get epiphany ring, Try to find some masochism ring and for the Bloodmagic mythic on the Chest or Cap.
Farming is the key to richness!