Bye Dungeon Quest

This game used to be fun…for a fast paced game

but now…hmmm…

its not wrong to nerf everything…but makes sure that it is balanced if u know what i mean

u have to consider player that doesnt have good equipment

not just simply say everything is OP

i have all the equipment with crystal affix and maxed out

tried every single build in this forum…its good…but not for 200+ floor

the carto is almost imbalanced with the HEAL
our explosion is OP? carto explosion not OP?
dev…u to much listen to the tester…but why u cant listen to other player?

then just let the tester play the game the way they want…why not us?

yes i know CB is OP…explosion is OP…everything is OP
that is the use of Bilion of floor to conquer then lowering our total deff by 0.01 is not enough?

why is the tester want the game to be nerf out?

its obvious

u already got everything maxed out…do you think about other player mate?

just put myself as example

i played this game because its fun
it show large amount of damage
fast paced game
and i want everything to be what i want

not to be nerf as the tester want

who care if explosion is OP
if CB is OP
the point is the game should be a fun game to play

not just the fun for tester

tq for all this time u gave me play this game for free

its have been a nice adventure

see ya ^.<

Sorry to see you go, however there are a few things I personally feel that you should take note of and look at reasonably, I’ll try my best not to sound rude. Additionally, you should ask for help and show your equips maybe there are some changes you can make. But here goes:

I can’t believe you’ve tried every build with maxed gear and still feel disappointed. If that is truly the case, make some kind and informed suggestions and suggest some new items/affixes. Also, it might help if you told us what class you’re playing and how we can help you.

This is just kind of disappointing. We can’t have everything we want, if you want everything to be what you want I suggest you make your own dungeon quest. Things are going to change and you have to learn to adapt to them or life is going to hit you really hard. This game is meant to be a grind, the nerfs and changes were absolutely necessary so that the game wasn’t too easy. Also I’m assuming you’re playing ep 8 due to your many complaints, as Diieter and many others have stated it’s meant to be a “hell” mode and end game power level. It’s not a pick up from level 1 and roll through it type of difficulty.

In conclusion: I really think you should give it a try and voice your needs to the community, there are a lot of great people willing to help but it’s difficult to do so when you just complain about aspects of the game that are meant to be difficult. Once again, I hope I didn’t strike an emotional point I just wanted to enlighten you so that the DQ Team didn’t have to reiterate many points that they have already.

You do realize that testers are just players who asked for the opportunity to provide feedback on upcoming changes and locate and report bugs, don’t you?

If you have maxed crystal affixed gear you should have no problems whatsoever on EP 8 floor 200+ assuming you aren’t maxed on a bad mix of stats… I’m currently on Floor 375 on EP8 and not even beginning to struggle. Let me repeat that – I do not struggle in the slightest. I havent died except when I took a multiple shot blast from Cartographer because I was standing in his face AND took a skyfall explosion AND a Frozen blast because I didn’t bother to get out of the glowing red circle in the past 100+ levels. And my gear isn’t even “perfect” yet – I have overcapped stats, a crappy pet, and havent rerolled my gear to perfection (don’t get me wrong, im wearing “very good gear” but if you’re saying Floor 200+ is difficult with “perfect” gear then that’s just absurd.

The game is still fast paced, even with bad gear you can slaughter through hordes of enemies on EP1 you just may not be able to do that on Floor 500. The thing is, other than Cataclysm (I think that’s it…?) higher floors arent necessary for anything at all – they dont have better drop chances for anything, they’re just harder to challenge people. Don’t think you need to be at floor 375 in EP8 just because I am – Floor 175 on EP8 has almost exactly the same drops! And if you don’t want to do EP8 then all you’re “giving up” is the luck, xp, and gold find bonuses from EP, which aren’t even that big of a deal to begin with.

Im also not sure where you got the idea that the testers were calling for nerfs – if anything a number of testers raised some concerns about how the nerfs would be perceived by the player base if released but at the end of the day Steiger and the dev team decided they were necessary for longer term game balance. For what it’s worth, I agree with him – some of the “nerfs” you cite were actually just bug fixes (explosion was just doing bugged damage) and the others are all to try to prevent any ONE skill from being the end-all-be-all (an ongoing process, of course).

In any event, if Dungeon Quest isn’t for you then all the best in your gaming elsewhere, but at least don’t go out leaving a bunch of inaccurate information like this before you go.

@Zierham +1

nah! He already owned all cs affixes he wants so he just feeling bored that’s all…

Why not try Mythic stuff then? …or do your Hero quest? :wink:

I agree with that godlike cartho + explo… it’s frustrating!..

he has thing hidden anger on our testers… ahah

+1, get plagued+blood magic+permafrost and win.

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+1, get plagued+blood magic+permafrost and win.

Sent from my KFSOWI using Tapatalk

[quote=“Zierham”]You do realize that testers are just players who asked for the opportunity to provide feedback on upcoming changes and locate and report bugs, don’t you?

If you have maxed crystal affixed gear you should have no problems whatsoever on EP 8 floor 200+ assuming you aren’t maxed on a bad mix of stats… I’m currently on Floor 375 on EP8 and not even beginning to struggle. Let me repeat that – I do not struggle in the slightest. I havent died except when I took a multiple shot blast from Cartographer because I was standing in his face AND took a skyfall explosion AND a Frozen blast because I didn’t bother to get out of the glowing red circle in the past 100+ levels. And my gear isn’t even “perfect” yet – I have overcapped stats, a crappy pet, and havent rerolled my gear to perfection (don’t get me wrong, im wearing “very good gear” but if you’re saying Floor 200+ is difficult with “perfect” gear then that’s just absurd.

The game is still fast paced, even with bad gear you can slaughter through hordes of enemies on EP1 you just may not be able to do that on Floor 500. The thing is, other than Cataclysm (I think that’s it…?) higher floors arent necessary for anything at all – they dont have better drop chances for anything, they’re just harder to challenge people. Don’t think you need to be at floor 375 in EP8 just because I am – Floor 175 on EP8 has almost exactly the same drops! And if you don’t want to do EP8 then all you’re “giving up” is the luck, xp, and gold find bonuses from EP, which aren’t even that big of a deal to begin with.

Im also not sure where you got the idea that the testers were calling for nerfs – if anything a number of testers raised some concerns about how the nerfs would be perceived by the player base if released but at the end of the day Steiger and the dev team decided they were necessary for longer term game balance. For what it’s worth, I agree with him – some of the “nerfs” you cite were actually just bug fixes (explosion was just doing bugged damage) and the others are all to try to prevent any ONE skill from being the end-all-be-all (an ongoing process, of course).

In any event, if Dungeon Quest isn’t for you then all the best in your gaming elsewhere, but at least don’t go out leaving a bunch of inaccurate information like this before you go.[/quote]
You kind of did mention a subliminal point though, once you maximize the potential of your equipment for whatever your playstyle, the reason to play becomes kind of moot. It’s of no interest just grinding the same redundantly generated floors, one after another, with a different color scheme, just for the sake of going higher. There should be an ultimate goal in which you apply all that equipment refining towards; perhaps a special end-game feature that requires the best of what you can get to remain interesting. Floors up until 500 should be put on the map radar; this way when you hit 500, you could do a class change with new skills, stat modifiers, equipment and such. They also need to create more different map visuals than the field, desert, mountain and volcano.

+1, get plagued+blood magic+permafrost and win.

Sent from my KFSOWI using Tapatalk[/quote]
cosmic power is also a good one or even rage