Cannot complete Floor

We have not seen this issue before, so it might be related to your device. We’ll try to get our hands on a Nook HD Plus and see what happens.

ok. I would really hate to have to stop playing this game due to that bug…

We’ll do our best to get a fix as soon as possible, but we have to be able to reproduce the issue first.

In the meantime, could you try uploading your Account information, removing the app and all save data, redownload the app, then download your Account information?

Also could you find out what version your Nook’s OS is at?

Nook version 2.2.0; I’ll try that, but I dont think its gonna help - was working completely fine before the update…

I am having the same problem on my HUAWEI phone. Was fine before update but now I randomly get sent to a completely black screen with no mobs, but character is still on screen. A little irritating especially when I though it was a one thing and spent a lot gold on the new maps. Phone was factory reset a couple of days ago and updated before downloading the game again.

didnt work; also, game is freezig

We’re looking into it. It appears what’s happening is the character is falling through the world on some devices. It’s been difficult reproducing the issue ( needed to actually fix it ) but we’ll keep looking into the issue until it’s fixed.

Can you guys tell us how soon in a level, time wise, do you get teleported? Does there seem to be any event during gameplay that could cause it?

At what points is the game freezing? The more detail the better for us :smile:

Ircher, can you download your account again ( Do not Upload ) and test to see if you still see the issue? We noticed a character that was corrupted that we fixed for you. When/if you see the issue again can you report what floor you’re seeing it on and how far into the level you’re seeing it? The more detail the better, thanks!

floor 195, aparently being teleported into the walls; still freezing, using lv 93 warrior with 93 or so Wizard as hire.

Low FX, No Screenshake, Wifi off

Freezing every few seconds ever since i redownloaded the ganme.

Ok here is my set up Ircher:

I have a nook Color HD+ with software version 2.2.0 model number BNTV600

I get your account and download it to this device

I start playing with your warrior and wizard as a hireling.

Now I DO see “freezing” but this is just the game loading a massive number of textures. I noticed that when I restarted the level (which I did a HUGE number of times…more on that in a second) the amount of “freezing” was drastically reduced. I also (as a personal preference) always turn off damage numbers and health bars…I personally don’t like them. This may also reduce the “Freezing” you are seeing as well.

I started playing with your characters at around 2:00pm and I have cleared floor 195 almost 20 times. I cannot get this teleport issue to happen at all. I am at a complete loss at this point I don’t know how to reproduce this issue, if it is happening to you EVERY TIME you play on this make I figure I would at least get it to happen one time.

As far as the freezing goes, this will reduce the longer you play the game. We build an asset cache as you play, and the more enemies you encounter will get added to that cache thus reducing the in game compile time required as you encounter them.

Any other info you can provide would be a great help! Thanks again for all the time you have spent trying to help us pin down this issue!

[quote=“tdaniel”]Ok here is my set up Ircher:

I have a nook Color HD+ with software version 2.2.0 model number BNTV600

I get your account and download it to this device

I start playing with your warrior and wizard as a hireling.

Now I DO see “freezing” but this is just the game loading a massive number of textures. I noticed that when I restarted the level (which I did a HUGE number of times…more on that in a second) the amount of “freezing” was drastically reduced. I also (as a personal preference) always turn off damage numbers and health bars…I personally don’t like them. This may also reduce the “Freezing” you are seeing as well.

I started playing with your characters at around 2:00pm and I have cleared floor 195 almost 20 times. I cannot get this teleport issue to happen at all. I am at a complete loss at this point I don’t know how to reproduce this issue, if it is happening to you EVERY TIME you play on this make I figure I would at least get it to happen one time.

As far as the freezing goes, this will reduce the longer you play the game. We build an asset cache as you play, and the more enemies you encounter will get added to that cache thus reducing the in game compile time required as you encounter them.

Any other info you can provide would be a great help! Thanks again for all the time you have spent trying to help us pin down this issue![/quote]

I normally keep my map on and Im playing at ep3

Im using Hunger, Rime, The Golden Veins Ring, an epic item for armor, and the rest Faun’s Gift (this is my Warrior).

I tried it again twice now (this time without hireling), and I still get teleported to a messed up blue area with no enemies; Im usually fighting a group of enemies when I get teleported.

The first time, i kept health bars on and showed only Critical Damage; the second time, i turned both off.

I think it has something o do with graphical type problems - every time the ice level screen finishes loading, it appears brighter than it should be. I also had this happening with my items bduring the original patch 1.4.4.

I am on floor 166 and cannot complete. When I click to load map it gets real bright before completing the load. Just attempted again with my warrior with everything turned off and no hireling and proceeded to die, when I restarted the map I loaded in the blank area. My phone is a huawei valiant.

if we cant find the issue, can you atleast play the old version (Patch 1.4.3)?

ty for ur help in this case.

ls recheck my characters, their graphics are wrong; something’s extremely wrong…

Also, i tried reinstalling again and even when i reached without ubeing teleported, i still couldnt use the portal (this was when i reinstalled without restoring purchases/downloading account. This was the case for both warrior and and wizard using the slot 1 (middle) on floor 1 ep 1 with the same settings as aforementioned except crit. only dmg and enemy life bars while ally bars are off.

even if i can get to the portal without teleport issue, i can NEVER complete the floor - the portal is like disabled.

I have the same issue… to the point i clear my data and start new game
but it still have the same issue…

for now i uninstall 1.4.4 then install 1.4.3 again just to play a stable game…

Does the button not show up when you’re over the portal? Or do you press it and nothing happens?

it shows up alright, i press the button, but nothing happens.

The teleport issue seems to occur after awhile on large maps especially when im fighting groups of enemies.

We’ve found what’s causing the issue and are working on a fix now. Will let you know when we’ve verified the fix :smile:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

[quote=“SteigerBox”]We’ve found what’s causing the issue and are working on a fix now. Will let you know when we’ve verified the fix :smile:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote]

ty very much, i knew i could count on you!