
Does anyone know whats like the percentage of chest drops in the arena? Like how much percent is the drop rate of eternal or legendary chest etc

Not really but I figure that killing a " new" and tougher opponent increases your chances


Ow well need to grind the arena Iguess

You can also ungrind the arena. Let weaker characters play the league and then when you’re back in lower divisions then level up again with good characters. It all helps. You get eternals releveling

The problems is even If I set the worst AI settings for my wizz he wins 80% of the matches and I am only using a farm build

Never really bothered building one cuz lets face it im only at floor 360 and some of the loot is still “ew”

Put really bad items on him :slight_smile:today I just created a rogue to replace my eternal 1v1 league division 5 wizard. Unfortunately it’s doing good. Winning matches in division 6. But still getting nice chests occasionally

I’ll just put my warrior in 1v1 i guess he does no damage at all like none

Watch commercial before fighting is good ches

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Not really I’ve watch some but I only get epic

Add prayer

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Lol watch commercial too :slight_smile:

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Just luck and play battle as many as you can :dealwithitparrot:
