Cool! Cooler! Coolest!

I was recently working on making a farming build, and kind of failing. 3 times. :cry: but on the third build, I noticed my Twisters were a lot closer together than usual. after a little investigating, I discovered that my Dexterity is 40 (+20% CD reduction) and a cool down on my pet. so I added a few more to get 60%, and wow! I also put 40 skill in Twister and now I have Twisters flying out of my staff so close together, it looks like Twister soldiers marching off to war.
cool down saved my farming build. :joy:
I don’t know if it is possible, but in the near future, I am going to try and merge my Fast! Faster! Fastest! build with my Cool! Cooler! Coolest! build. it can only be a dungeon crawling build, but it sure would look cool.


Good Luck on that.

I like the naming scheme of your builds :slight_smile: . It really must be a cool or fast build lol.

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The next one would be great! greater! greatest!

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Big! Bigger! Biggest!

Hard! Harder! Hardest!

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@CuzegSpiked the Fast! title came from a movie called Action Jackson. it was something the lead actor said going up the stairs of a bad guys house in a red sports car while accelerating. the Cool! title is a play on words from the Fast! title.
@PaNgaHazZz :laughing:
it would be a tough build, with max attack speed and cool down. just thinking of the way it would need to be crafted is making me :dizzy_face: :dizzy:. I would need to think outside the box a little more than usual. although the focus would be on speed, I would need to think of my resource needs and skill combinations. plus I am still learning how to cram big ideas into small affix storage gears. :confounded:
@CuzegSpiked :laughing: