Crush & Necrotic Talents

:skull: & :shield:

Necrotic: +2.5% DMG to Skulls. this applies to Skull OH, not just Skullshield Skill, so even Special Skills get the DMG boost when placed on Skulls for Wizards using Necrotic Talent.

Crush: Shield DMG +5% of Block. this applies to Shield OH, not just Bash Skill, so Special Skills on Shields can also get their DMG boosted with Crush.

Skullshield 40 gives Skullshield 900% OH DMG. with Necrotic 40, Skullshield does 1800% OH DMG.
Skulldragga 40 gives Skulldragga 1500% OH DMG, with Necrotic 40, Skulldragga does 3000% OH DMG.
Smokebomb 20 gives Smokebomb 1000% OH DMG, with Necrotic 40, Smokebomb does 2000% OH DMG. Smokebomb is a Rogue Skill, so a Wizard can only get it to Rank 20, 30 if you have +20 Smokebomb on an Eternal Pet.

Bash 40 gives Bash 1200% OH DMG. with Crush 40 & Block +60%, Bash does 3360% OH DMG.
Torrent 40 gives Torrent 900% OH DMG. with Crush 40 & Block +60%, Torrent does 2520% OH DMG.
Smokebomb 20 gives Smokebomb 1000% OH DMG. with Crush 40 & Block +60%, Smokebomb does 2800% OH DMG. Smokebomb is a Rogue Skill, so a Warrior can only get it to Rank 20, 30 if you have +20 Smokebomb on an Eternal Pet.

imagine the DMG on a 100% Block Build for a Warrior!

I was just looking at the descriptions for these Talents, and realized they affected the Weapon, not just a Skill. makes me want to Craft some :skull: & :shield: Builds!

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I remember I tried using t
Wizard talents on my warrior lol I felt so dumb

no Class can use Talents from another Class, even if it is on a Pet. but a Class can use Special Skills from another Class, so you can use another Classes Skill if it is on a Pet. this is how a Class can get +20 Skill Points in another Classes Skill. the +20 includes using +10 All Skills. you could get +30 if you find an Eternal Pet with the Skill you are using.

when I was a Noob, I tried using Prismatic Talent on my Rogues Pet. it took reading a bunch of Posts on the subject for me to realize I couldn’t use Wizard Prismatic on my Rogues Pet. :frowning:

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