Direct battle pvp

Guys guys, i’ve been playing this game not for long, both me and my Gf are love this game but we have no idea, can we do a direct battle? what i’m talking about here is, usually, the opponents in battle arena are random, right?
but. is it possible to do a duel with someone we want? like send them invitation to battle and go, please give me your light masters!
and thank you.

that option isn’t available with DQ. your Battle Arena opponent is chosen randomly and is run by an A.I. based on the other players A.I. settings.

the platform DQ is originally built on makes that kind of play difficult, from my understanding of previous posts by the Dev’s. it is possible that they might have something you are asking about in DQ2, but I am not sure about that.

welcome to DQ to the both of you.

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Stay close to each other in rankings and you will maybe fight each other. You can’t do better.


Good idea @DuDono.