[Discussion Only] Cheaters & Hackers



I don’t understand what you are asking here.


I mean ser you reply to the posts we reported cheater so we know it has been banned or not. or cheater or legit really thank you

There are still many players who cheat in the normal legue, they are not fair, they are just sometimes

and the others don’t really buy vanity and slots so they should review their account if they really aren’t cheaters so they don’t earn a DQ hack just because they are. so I hope our review will be reviewed if it is legit oh not so that they will disappear from the legit ones

Ser daniel why isn’t that always online ser to always check our reports to get rid of cheaters immediately???

I review and remove accounts as they are posted. Some are removed and some are not after they are reviewed. I hope this makes more sense.


welcome to all the new players who have joined DQ Forums since i was last active here.

i have noticed a few questions on what is legit/legal for Crafting Eternal Items for Battle Arena. this is also good for Campaign Builds. here is a post on the subject.

Crafted Eternals in the Arena.
you can change an Eternals Element. example: change Fire to Arcane. (Crystal Calcite)
you can change an Eternals Class. example: change Warrior to Rogue. (Crystal Jasper)
you can add a Myth Stone if the Eternal has an empty Socket. example: socket + (MS) Protest = +250 All resist.
you can change the Nature. example: change Greed to Death. (Crystal Beryl)
you can change the Talent. example: change Prismatic to Fester. (Crystal Citrine)
you can recover a Myth Stone. example: if you place (MS) Boon on your Eternal, and want to put (MS) Protest instead. (Crystal Garnet)
Note: if you used the Myth Stones to make a Mythic Affix, the Myth Stones are gone and cannot be recovered by using (CS) Garnet.

Unreal Hood & Fabled Staff/Blade: there is 1 Hood and Weapon for each class. they have 4 Sockets each. you could put 1 Myth Stone in each Socket for a total of 4 Myth Stones.
you can add a Mythic Affix on these 2 Eternals if you know the recipe. when the Mythic Affix is created…
you can add any combination of 3 Normal and/or Epic Affixes.
example: on an Unreal Hood I make the Harmony Mythic Affix. the 4 sockets are used up to make the Mythic, and leave 3 empty spaces. I can now place a random Normal/Epic affix in each space using (Crystal Angelite) or place an Epic affix using (Crystal Topaz). Angelite is a bad choice, because, unless you are very lucky, it might take forever to get the affix you want. Topaz gives 6 choices when used, so you have a better chance to get the affixes you want. either way, what ever you pick is permanent. so if you don’t like the choices, you need to get a new item and start over.

Edit: I tested all of the Crystals, and these are the ones that can be used on Eternal Items. I did not test them on Eternal Pets, Trinkets, or Maps.

there is a list of Eternal Items in the Codex. if you see a modification that isn’t from one of these examples, or are unsure, that is when you send a post to [Reports Only] Report Cheaters & Hackers, and a Dev will check it out. if you can, check against the Codex first, and if you are still unsure, then report it.

for those who don’t know, if you use a cheat or hack to modify your Eternal Item, and a Dev becomes aware of it, you get sent to the Banned League. it is just like the Arena, except all the players are also using cheats or hacks, or are waiting for the Dev’s to determine that they did/didn’t use cheats or hacks, and if not guilty, get to go back to the Original League.


Do you think it was not edited? because he is eternal and perfect every stat? if legit hard to get perfect stat especially on ethernal item ???

Here in mytech, isn’t it 4 slots? why do they have an epic stat and is it perfect to choose each stat in its build? It’s hard to get that perfect stat if you’re not a cheater!

Just the same with its case. what I am pointing out here is that each stat in their item is very perfect especially ethernal it is not editable right?? ??


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It’s technically a legal item as you can get it without cheating. But it’s hard to get


@aurarobert2321 i didn’t say anything about those items being Legit or Cheats. i was away from the Forums for 6 months and saw that there are many new players on the Forums who might not know what is Legit or Cheat for Eternal Items, so i shared this info to help make things easier.

one thing i didn’t test is if a Topaz can be used to replace a Socket without using the Sockets to make a Mythic Affix. I’ll probably test that out soon and add the results to my list in the post.

one thing i have heard/read is that when an Eternal Unreal Hood or Fabled Staff/Blade is used to make a Mythic Affix, the Epic Affixes that are then placed on them are usually Max Values. not always, but that’s how it looks.

sure, it’s possible for Eternal Items to have all Max Values, but not very often. either someone Farmed a lot for Perfect Eternals, Farmed and spent lots of Dust for Perfect Eternals, or Cheated.

us Players can only Report what we think is Cheating, and it is up to the Dev’s to determine whether it is actually cheating or not.

my Post was to help players who want to check what an Eternal item looks like against what they think might be a Cheat against a list of what the Legit ways to Craft an Eternal Item are.


yes you are right when the eternal item is really the stat in the epic but in the legend affix that not all the stat is always perfect even ethernal. even if you get foam in the dust it is still difficult to get a very perfect stat if you are really legit.

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yeah you’re right it’s hard to get that if you’re really legit that you don’t use a cheat. In epic the stat can be perfect but in legend affix not everything can be perfect.

and what I’m wondering about here is ethernal mytech ?? they are exactly right to build the right stats. and in the arena builld still really to be top 1-2? They are abusing the bug in ethernal mytech !!!

Thank you for your time and effort in reporting suspecting people in the Arena. Your post has been seen and reviewed by fellow players, mods and devs and is being reviewed as we speak.

Im pretty sure that everyone here including the devs wanted those cheaters gone if we could all chose to. Thats why we have this discussion here so that we can report them and possibly eliminate them from the pool.

But unfortunately this is the world that we live in(I mean a game like Among Us with no rewards upon victory has cheaters) and we really cant completely remove them entirely because the games files are vulnerable to manipulation by anyone who knows how codes work.

Mr. Tdaniel who governs this place dont have the luxury of his time to devote on just reviewing/removing cheaters in the game as he is also just a person and prolly has more important things to do like meeting deadlines(and raising a family idk) and its best to let him do his work on his own pace.

Whatever the the outcome is on our individual reports, we can only respect their decision(if reviewed or removed) and move on with our lives.

TL:DR - Thank you for reporting cheaters, i HATE them too but dont expect the devs to review/remove them asap. Have a good day now.


That’s why … I was wondering about the banned legue last night, it was proven that he is a cheater or a reviewer.

Case how did he return to the normal legue now ??? hmmp ?? how did that happen??

I think it should not be just a one moderator who should be assigned to review or think the report to cheaters they should be strict here. here they are focused. because cheaters ruin the game and do not become fair to the real legit

not only do I believe in his item ethernal and I do not believe he did not use cheat on ethernal especially on mytech ethernal.
it is impossible for him not to use a cheat even once to get that perfect item and stat.

He was in a banned leggue last night, How did he get back to his normal leggue ???

that means he was reviewed by Mr. daniel so he went to the banned leggue and he was proven to be cheaters !!!
How did he get back to his normal leggue ???
@tdaniel how did that happen sir ???

well, i have mentioned this before in a few posts here and there, and so have some other players, but even cheater builds can be beat. sure, i bet i have a bunch of losses from cheat build, and i can also bet that i have beaten, if not crushed, a bunch of cheat builds too.

i kind of admire the players who take the time to notice who the cheaters are, do the research to make sure they are cheaters (if they can), and then report them to the Dev’s. but me, i just make builds to beat any builds in the way of my climb to Eternal League First Place. it isn’t the cheaters who are in the way, it is the Legit Players who are in the way.

lastly, for myself, my focus is on the Campaign side of DQ, but there are some Items and Vanities that can only be gotten in Battle Arena, so i fight my way to the top. plus, there is a kind of challenge to making a cheap & goofy looking build that beats up a build that cost some other players a bunch of Crystals & Dust, and a lot of time, to Craft. :smirk_cat:


Please keep in mind to be cordial with one another :smile:



I once volunteered to go into into the banned league for a laugh. It was hilarious. I survived surprisingly well. Even with their insanely edited gear you can’t keep a good player down. The bad wolf caused carnage :sunglasses: