Electrified rollable?

Am I just unlucky, or did I miss something??

50 Amythest used to try for Electeified set with wizard, and no dice.

I checked and double checked the crystal crafting restrictions!

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That’s some horrible luck. Electrified is rollable on all classes.


sometimes RNG is your friend :dog: :game_die: and other times RNG is your enemy :dragon: :game_die: .

I have had a few times where I go through 100’s of crystals and then run out and have to farm for more and then use 100’s more before I get what I want, and then there are the few times I get what I want on the first try. most of the time it’s something in the middle :crying_cat_face: .

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You think you finally have enough resources to start a build, bur they go quick!

I also forgot how expensive converting crystals can be…spent a couple billion at least to make use of the 10k plus kyanites.