EXP With Hireling Feels Off

My main has 75% EXP boost on gear.
My hireling has 30% EXP boost on gear.

According to the adventure screen:

My level 92 main has 90.3% EXP boost total.
My level 87 hireling has 58.5% EXP boost total.

Now, when using a Hireling, you get an automatic 100% additional EXP so:

100% + 75% + 30% = 205% EXP boost total.
90.3% + 58.5% = 148.8% EXP boost total.

Where did the other 50% of EXP go???

(Obviously, the assumption that EXP boost across both characters is added together then split is probably an invalid assumption to make. But the math doesn’t work out if I keep them separate either:

75% + 60% = 135% for my main. (I chose 60% due to the XP split; it doesn’t work regardless of how the XP ends up being split.)
30% + 40% = 70% for my hireling.

Maybe its this:
(75% + 100%) * 0.53 = 175% * 0.53 = 92.75%
(30% + 100%) * 0.47 = 130% * 0.47 = 61.10%

But that still doesn’t quite add up.)

hope this helps. from the thread, the +100% boost with Hireling gets split between the 2, so +50% each, then then there is a penalty depending on if there is a level difference between the characters. when I was ascending my Hireling, my Main was level 99, and Hireling level 1, the Hireling experience bonus was +.4%. that was with both Characters having 6 Quest Stones on their gears. it the bonus went up when the Hireling leveled up, but that is the way it is.

I saw that thread, but I don’t think that is it as it seems an XP penalty is being applied to BOTH characters which is what feels off.

For instance, when my hireling levels up before my main does, the main’s xp bonus goes DOWN while the hireling’s XP bonus goes UP. In other words, the XP seems to be split between the two based on level rather than an actual penalty being applied; i.e.: the penalty is the fact that XP is SPLIT between the two characters based on their level.

ahh, that is beyond my understanding, but hopefully there is an answer that will help.

Same My hireling has %145 exp gain on items but my wiz has just %50… Wiz is 92 Lv A1,Warrior is 99 Lv A0.

If you hireling is level 99 they no longer get XP. You need to ascend to collect XP again…maybe that is why, or I am not understanding what you are seeing on your end.

I got it but when i added quest mythstones on my hireling’s items exp gain not as it’s supposed to be.If we can’t get exp bonus completely why add quest mythstones…?

I am not sure I follow…your hireling isn’t gaining XP at all right now if they are level 99. On top of that, if you do ascend your hireling, it will take even more XP to level them back up to level 99 (it is not the same XP progression once you have ascended).

If you are referring to the stat caps on the items, they are there based off of balance we have done to the game over time.

The reason we have the mythstones is to give you the option to do with them whatever you want, we don’t limit their use, but we do limit how much they effect stats etc.

I’m talking about the numbers on the adventure page. The article that Golem links to explains it to a certain extent, but unless I’m missing something, the math doesn’t add up completely as I show in my first post.

Edit: I see you are mainly responding to perseusdoge, but the opening question still remains, so I would appreciate an answer (or a clarification if my impression of the matter is flawed).

Your Ascension level, difference between hireling and main character in level, and Ascension perks that are chosen all have an effect on character stats across the board.

I can have a look at your equipment and setup if you would like.

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