Fabled blade and unreal hood

these items have 4 empty sockets, the set affix mythical and +46 mythology.

both dropped at the same time last night for me… any guidance on how to make these items strong? the dps is rather low… im guessing i need to craft a mythstone affix and then add legend affixes?

[quote=“drocksmash”]these items have 4 empty sockets, the set affix mythical and +46 mythology.

both dropped at the same time last night for me… any guidance on how to make these items strong? the dps is rather low… im guessing i need to craft a mythstone affix and then add legend affixes?[/quote]

The Mythical Affix will increase your chance of acquiring rare Mythstones by rank%.

This affix will help you obtain high tier mythstones, but useless in terms of damage.

The Mythology Affix will increase damage of Mythics by rank%.

This affix will increase damage of Mythics such as [color=#BF00FF][/color] and [color=#BF00FF][/color], but only if you have one on your gears.

If you want these affixes to better use, craft it to become either your Farming gear or your way to increase Mythic Dmg, or both for that matter.

Ok I added CosmicOrb!

Now I need to save up for topaz’s to get some epic affixes on there.

Can you jasper a crystal item?

[quote=“drocksmash”]Ok I added CosmicOrb!

Now I need to save up for topaz’s to get some epic affixes on there.

Can you jasper a crystal item?[/quote]

Of course, the only one immune to Jasper is Eternals.

just found another fabeled blade and an eternalized lance!