Revived. Turns out I didn’t properly know the formula for luck and item drops and I regretted that day of using fortune bringer only to find that it doesn’t work as effectively but I did definitely find it working very well until patch 2.1 so I think the fortune bringer from cronos was a bug in itself but I learnt a lot from that mistake.
I’m so glad I know now. I think I remember saying that Gold find not being affected by averaging formula was a bug but it’s not a but if it’s never been removed and makes it so much easier to build farm builds.
I thought adventure page was bugged as it indeed had huge but it certainly isn’t bugged now and pretty correct.
My comprehensive farm guide is a way to use that to get the maximum values too. Man the memories of having negative exp gain getting worse per ascension too.
Tbh , if fortune bringer wasn’t working like cronos intended and that it didn’t follow the formula correctly, it’s still incredible with the amount of crystals he gained and gold and everything in general back in patch 2.0 as I couldn’t come close and it was tricky. But what it turns out is that the averaging formula was different in patch 2.0 compared to patch 2.1 to now.
That’s why cronos was able to get away with a pure farm build main character and a pure DPS second character since the averaging formula had no restrictions on hirling mode until Ascensions came out, at least it seems that way when I look back into the past.
Although another reason for fortune bringer could be that cronos made it for the very easy mode difficulty back then before legends have the mythic 3 restrictions so it was a bit OP since instant kills do help.
Sorry for reviving old post though. Even though cronos fortune bringer wasn’t that effective since his concept didn’t work or rather, no longer worked as intended, I edited and used for about a year and it has certainly served me well in terms of crystal gains and how many builds I made as well.
Im so glad that farming is way easier than the old days too.