Yup. It was worth it at the time. Still, fortune Bringer is alright nowadays if you want to farm floor 2000 say or floor 1500 with pure DPS hirling. All you need is a decent amount of luck and item drops with epiphany. Also this build can do ok with Arcanist + ascendant to assist high DPS farm build hirling or pure DPS hirling. See @f00kee warrior in the Poison Enchantress build for reference.
It’s not worth building a fortune Bringer now but you can still add at least 4× legend item drops, 2 or 1× crystal affix with some epic affixes, 1 pickup radius, eternalized with crystalline, Arcanist and ascendant on general farm builds. Fortune 20 too and epiphany (5) with some ascension perks. Fortune bringer can have DPS affixes with the new changes for a little DPS with hirling
The hirling also needs 2× luck crystal affix, 4× legend item drops , epiphany (5) (optional) but the rest of affixes for that hirling can be ascendant +arcanist and some other DPS affixes.
Or the hirling is pure DPS with Arcanist and ascendant.
I still use fortune bringer ATM and it’s definitely living up to it’s name.
This thread below has the warrior build fookie uses as well as the poison enchantress build.