the build I was using to Ascend my second Wizard was all level 1 gears like this, except it was all Myth Stones and Mythic affixes. the pet I used was eventually level 100, so I could only use it when the Hireling got to level 50. yes, I know his gears are level 100, but my set up worked out pretty good. 30% Dodge total and Sanctuary farming for experience on floor 110 was good. when going over floor 300+, started to die more often, so just stayed on the lower floors.
Edit: here is the build I made for my Hirelings to use leveling up.
Earthquake Gauntlet L1 (only used Twister with A.I.)
Earthquake, +30% Exp Gain, +2 All Skills (not sure about this, I took something out and there is a socket here), +40% Item Quantity, +50% Dmg, +2% HP on Hit.
Nova Orb L1 (only used Teleport with A.I.)
Nova, 10% Crushing Blow, +10% All Proc, +40% Item Quantity, +30% Exp Gain, +50% Dmg.
Blood Magic Robe L1
Blood Magic, +25% Total HP, +30% Weaken, +30% Exp Gain, +30% Item Quantity, +15% Reduced CD.
Recover Hat L1
Recover, +25% HP, +15% Reduced CD, +30% Weaken, +30% Item Quantity, +30% Exp Gain.
Effective Ring L1
Effective, +15% Reduced CD, +30% Weaken, +30% Item Quantity, +40% Exp Gain, +10% Move Speed.
Sanctuary Amulet L1
Sanctuary, +2% HP on Hit, +40% Exp Gain, +30% Weaken, +30% Item Quantity, +15% Reduced Cd.
Pet Fairy L100 (not all affixes maxed out yet, next hireling job to raise the Pets affixes)
+15% Crit Chance, +7202 HP, +75% Crit Dmg, +75% Luck, +10% Crushing Blow, +8.4 Dodge.