Favorite map affixes

What are your favorite cartographers map affixes? Least favorite? Combinations for best map clearing? Certain affixes award more to luck, gold, xp and item drop quantity.

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I can deal with anything except enemy heal %. Makes the cartographer often simply invincible. I also hate high % TNT props and high hp leech nerf. My favorite one is enemy speed, so the packs are easier to group up.

pack size + magic enemies I hate skyfall but I could deal with it if I had to… looking forward to legend maps

TNT procs are the worst :unamused:
Greatly resist is also kinda hard :mrgreen:

i thought im the only 1 hating this affixes… :smiley:
enemy heal plus tnt props equals buy a new map… :laughing:

I agree here, skyfall just takes way to long for enemies to spawn. Get ignore resist @dieter.

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I agree here, skyfall just takes way to long for enemies to spawn. Get ignore resist @dieter.

As for tnt props, this was my least favorite for a while…

Until I got 98% damage reduction from armor… now they tingle a little bit.

Enemy heal is somewhat bad, but I’ve only ever had a problem with it on mythic creatures with extra damage. Deadly strike and crushing blow generally takes care of this though. Also ignore resist helps greatly, but I’d say one of my current favorites is %epic monsters… as I can kill a pack of them plus the cartographer on ep8 within 5 seconds, helps a lot with nadrojis drop.

Looking for some screenshots of your favorite map affixes grouped together!

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enemy heal % with high health+ and extra health cartho is a pain for me:)

least favorite:

  1. 100% leech nerf (got that couple times)
  2. tnt + skyfall on frost maps arrgh:)

The favorite ones are +epic/rare/magic enemies :smile:

I dont like tnt props, but extra damage is good with electro set :smile:

(I am not good at english bro!)

Yea 100% leech nerd I always reroll

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No screenshots of really good non-legend maps?

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sorry no screen shot… but has anyone else noticed on the maps where it says Random map above the affixes it says pierce- fires a bolt that pierces through all enemies… I haven’t noticed this before 1.7

It was there. Some say teleport. This is also a useless type bug

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It was there. Some say teleport. This is also a useless extra info bug.

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This one rolled good, pretty sure 200% is max for pack size :wink:

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