Few good (In my opinion) suggestions

Hi. Recently I played this game a lot and i love this game :smiley:

I thought about features which i would like to see in this game. I want to write about them and I have hope that You will enjoy it. Of course, Any advices and criticism will be helpful :smiley:. So letā€™s go ( it may be long).

  1. Increase level cap or remove it
    Itā€™s simple. I think that it is not good that we can reach only 99 lvl. After that, we can get more and more exp but itā€™s useless. There can be for example new exp for level formula for lvls after 99 and for every 100 levels formula will change to make it harder, but still possible to level up. With this we can unlock new features for endgame players. Some challenging content.

  2. Instances
    With this feature majority of next features which i will describe below will be connected. If You played some MMO, You will know what They are. I think that it may be great challenge. For example, we have long instance called " Origin of King Cold power". There will be a lot of rare hordes as normal monsters. Sometimes we will find epic monsters, which we need to kill to open the doors, which provides to next step of the instance. After few epics we will find 1 legend monster, which should be really strong.
    In instance should be higher chance to get legend,for example I donā€™t know, 1,5 times higher. After that we will find challenging monster, an Mythic.From this we will get few rare mythstones and crystals, and high chance for legend ( 2 or 2,5 times more than normal). After that there will be something new. It will be Ancient monster. It will be powerfull boss with custom mechanic, powerfull skills and huge amount of HP, but You will be greatly rewarded for killing it. It will be low chance for new kind of items, Ancients (describe below). For example, at the beggining there should be 4-5 instances and if players will enjoy it, there should be added new instances in future updates. To enter instance we need required level and Key ( describe below). And my suggestion, higher level required for the instance, higher chance for ancient item.
    You can say that after instances it will be too easy to make legend and mythic feat. We can just do something. These monsters will not count to feat.

  3. Keys
    There will be new epic monster to find, The guard ( name can be changed). From him we will get a chance for Key, which can be used to enter the instance ( not any instance. All instances will have diffrent keys). Keys will work the same as Maps. They just get random bonuses and affixes.

  4. Ancient items
    4.New kind of items. It has same amount of affixes as legends. At the begginig, they will be better than eternal 3 times. But they will be diffrent. We will be able to upgrade them. But what is upgrading? First of all. We need to use epics and above to upgrade. The item will get exp ( if you use epic, it will be iLvl, legend iLvl x2, eternal iLvl x5). Just need to think about formula for exp needed to lvl up. After lvl up, the AR / DMG will increase. It will be 1 % of current value. But itā€™s not all. In every 5 levels we will be able to boost one of the affixes ( But i need some advices from good players. I donā€™t know how high boost it should be). Ancient item level canā€™t be higher than player level.

5.pet slots
There should be 3 pet slots to use all kind of pets. For example, we can get special material which will drop from instance bosses. After collecting some amount of them, we will be able to unlock 2 additional slots.

  1. New feats
    New content? New feats! My suggestions:
    Complete 10 instances: 30k Hero pts per level and random legend key
    Kill 30 guards: 20k Hero pts per level and random epic key
    Collect 5 ancients: 35k Hero pts per lvl and + 10 lvls to one chosen ancient item

This is all for now. I have hope that you will enjoy my ideas. If you can, write something about that. Tell me what is good and what is bad in your opinion. Who knows, maybe they will use some of these ideas in the futere? :smile:

[quote=ā€œdragranisā€]Hi. Recently I played this game a lot and i love this game :smiley:

I thought about features which i would like to see in this game. I want to write about them and I have hope that You will enjoy it. Of course, Any advices and criticism will be helpful :smiley:. So letā€™s go ( it may be long).

  1. Increase level cap or remove it
    Itā€™s simple. I think that it is not good that we can reach only 99 lvl. After that, we can get more and more exp but itā€™s useless. There can be for example new exp for level formula for lvls after 99 and for every 100 levels formula will change to make it harder, but still possible to level up. With this we can unlock new features for endgame players. Some challenging content.

  2. Instances
    With this feature majority of next features which i will describe below will be connected. If You played some MMO, You will know what They are. I think that it may be great challenge. For example, we have long instance called " Origin of King Cold power". There will be a lot of rare hordes as normal monsters. Sometimes we will find epic monsters, which we need to kill to open the doors, which provides to next step of the instance. After few epics we will find 1 legend monster, which should be really strong.
    In instance should be higher chance to get legend,for example I donā€™t know, 1,5 times higher. After that we will find challenging monster, an Mythic.From this we will get few rare mythstones and crystals, and high chance for legend ( 2 or 2,5 times more than normal). After that there will be something new. It will be Ancient monster. It will be powerfull boss with custom mechanic, powerfull skills and huge amount of HP, but You will be greatly rewarded for killing it. It will be low chance for new kind of items, Ancients (describe below). For example, at the beggining there should be 4-5 instances and if players will enjoy it, there should be added new instances in future updates. To enter instance we need required level and Key ( describe below). And my suggestion, higher level required for the instance, higher chance for ancient item.
    You can say that after instances it will be too easy to make legend and mythic feat. We can just do something. These monsters will not count to feat.

  3. Keys
    There will be new epic monster to find, The guard ( name can be changed). From him we will get a chance for Key, which can be used to enter the instance ( not any instance. All instances will have diffrent keys). Keys will work the same as Maps. They just get random bonuses and affixes.

  4. Ancient items
    4.New kind of items. It has same amount of affixes as legends. At the begginig, they will be better than eternal 3 times. But they will be diffrent. We will be able to upgrade them. But what is upgrading? First of all. We need to use epics and above to upgrade. The item will get exp ( if you use epic, it will be iLvl, legend iLvl x2, eternal iLvl x5). Just need to think about formula for exp needed to lvl up. After lvl up, the AR / DMG will increase. It will be 1 % of current value. But itā€™s not all. In every 5 levels we will be able to boost one of the affixes ( But i need some advices from good players. I donā€™t know how high boost it should be). Ancient item level canā€™t be higher than player level.

5.pet slots
There should be 3 pet slots to use all kind of pets. For example, we can get special material which will drop from instance bosses. After collecting some amount of them, we will be able to unlock 2 additional slots.

  1. New feats
    New content? New feats! My suggestions:
    Complete 10 instances: 30k Hero pts per level and random legend key
    Kill 30 guards: 20k Hero pts per level and random epic key
    Collect 5 ancients: 35k Hero pts per lvl and + 10 lvls to one chosen ancient item

This is all for now. I have hope that you will enjoy my ideas. If you can, write something about that. Tell me what is good and what is bad in your opinion. Who knows, maybe they will use some of these ideas in the futere? :smile:[/quote]

  1. Ideas are floating around
  2. Sounds Interesting ā€“ Ā±0
  3. Complements Instances? Ok I guess ā€“ Ā±0
  4. Ummā€¦ no, Crystals are already somewhat op, and eternals are pushing the limit somewhat ā€“ -1
  5. Ummā€¦ no, that gives us way too many more affixes plus it encourages lazy gaming plus it furthers the gap between high lv players and low lv players (there should be a gap, but 3 legend pets at once is way too op). Definitely -1.
  6. Going by the current system, 10 Instances = A miserable 10k per level. 30 Guards would also be about 10k per level. Ā±0

Thank you for taking your time for writing down those awesome ideas!

I like Nr. 2, 3, 4 and 6.
Nr. 1: I think Ascendence will do the same :smile:
Nr. 5: That would be definitly too op.
Ancient items like D3 in DQ would be awesome!

[quote=ā€œRefiaā€]Thank you for taking your time for writing down those awesome ideas!

I like Nr. 2, 3, 4 and 6.
Nr. 1: I think Ascendence will do the same :smile:
Nr. 5: That would be definitly too op.
Ancient items like D3 in DQ would be awesome![/quote]
He said that Anciemts begin 3x better than eternals. Thatā€™s extremely op.

The concept of items with xp is interesting though.

Right, maybe it is too op. But i wrote that I need advices from players with more experience in this game :smile:. Maybe x3 is to much. Maybe it should start at legend power, eternal power or somewhere between them. Iā€™ve got question to Rafia. What is this Ascendence?

Itā€™s a kind of rebirth system, which allows you to restart from level 1 again. With each restart you will get more powerful.

ah, like a prestige system in idle and clicker games. They are going to release this kind of feature?
