Golem and Badwolfs SEVEN DEADLY SINS pvp build for all characters ( our build created as new players)

You guys all crack me up with your brainstorming. :smile:

Most is still all over my head but I enjoy reading and trying to figure it out. Iā€™m starting to learn things from it here and there. Thank you for sharing all of your builds itā€™s really exciting!


Having a trip down memory lane to my newbie days :heart_eyes: @Golem I canā€™t believe itā€™s nearly two years ago. :astonished:

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I have kind of thought of making a SDS Farm Build, but at a later date. I have my eyes on another type of Farm Build at the moment. plan on using items from a few older Builds that I got bored with.


@Golem hope you are well. Iā€™ve not heard from you since the coronavirus lockdown months ago. Iā€™ve not been playing. I hope we will bounce ideas off each other again .


I dedicate this thread to @Golem. Should he return itā€™s ā€œWelcome back friendā€. I dropped giving back handed compliments. Iā€™ve mellowed


@dickwad Now i have two merlin imps for SDS.


thx @dickwad i can finally get back into the forum, but my time is limited on my side, but even a little bit a day is better than not getting on at all.


Welcome back @Golem. Nice to hear your okay. Lots of changes on DQ. Iā€™ve been virtually in isolation since april. Not working but still getting paid.


@Golem happy 2024. Been preocupied pal

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Sometimes Real Life can be as exciting as a super powered monster in a game when you are low on Health.

Late Happy New Years (2024) to everyone!

on a side note, I read an old post by a Dev mentioning how powerful the Wizard Skill Pierce (Sword Primary Skill) is. Iā€™ve done a lot of thinking about it, and with 40 Skill Points, Pierce becomes as strong as or a little stronger than a Gauntlet Skill when it pierces one enemy. Iā€™ve been thinking of making a test Piercing Build for one of my Ascending Wizards, with Living Force.

plus, Iā€™ve been thinking of making a Wizard Deadly Strike Blast Build.