GreenGarden inspired Warrior

Currently I am on floor 1100+m3 and I can kill carto with ease. The play style is like the green garden wiz. You just run and let the poison cloud kill the mobs using sprint and scalp(ambered).

I just copied the basic from cronos4321’s GreenGarden build, I just change the mythic equivalence to bloodmagic (BM fan here) and I think bm is necessity for warrior + prayer. Remember that the attack that we’re using is the OH skills.

Eternalized(I’m playing solo I don’t have farming char XD.) You can change this for spell sword, pathfinder for greater survivability.
Defiant-damage and reduction boost


Vanished-together with block, dodge and sanctuary. = great survivability even in high maps.
Skilled-just from my toss build
Sanctuary-all build necessity for survivability
Blood magic


Deadly strike-dot DMG multiplier
Crit chance
Crit damage
Block and dodge


ED% 3×
EC 1
Blight 4×
Move speed (you can change others with 5000 ED)


ED5000 x4
WD 1× on OH (supporting damage)


Of Elements - All



Thanks guys for reading too lazy to type. This is just PVM build and not working on PVP feel free to give some advice.

Credits to @cronos4321

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i have all 3 class greengarden build if u know lol. for this i see you leak at regen. also i recommend u use equivalent, it help with extra damage reduced also lower MP consume. and use harmony. when u sprint it heal 20% max hp (prayer effect) harmony will heal 25% of Hp heal to MP. and using provocation talent on head piece to chance cast taunt. u know what taunt do, monster pack. plagued: double kill, triple kill, rampage, Godlike~ hahaa. anyway thanks for using the guide properly.

*Infos. Bloodmagic consume double amount to cast 1 skill, reduce damage % hp missing. using prayer, u seem will have almost 90% hp all the time. having alot hp is good. but downfall. u take full damage from moster. while still cast at double hp consume.
Equivalent: just standard Hp but yet u take only half damage, it make u have like ×2 hp amount too just like bloodmagic. and also u cast skill at half too… downfall for this u need to maintain HP and MP withis mean u need prayer and harmony to keep both balanced all the times.

Thanks for the tips. :slight_smile: need to farm more I’m broke ATM. XD