Help a newbie out!

Hi, first time ever making a post here.

I’m a very casual player, i usually dont dedicate a lot of time to the game but somehow managed to ascend once, and that’s it.
I’m currently rocking a Chakram+Mirror (mythic 3 difficulty) combo and i love it, but i have no idea on how i can make the build better and consequently climbing higher and higher.

Here are the items currently equiped:

  1. Ascendent’s Circle
  2. Chromatic Reflection
  3. Astral Shroud
  4. Icaru’s Life
  5. Prismatic Necklace
  6. Fortuna

Choose the ascendent line because it got that explosion affix and its gorgeous when i kill 30+ mobs in one skill, and if necessary i will keep this sorta aoe build forever!

Please note that i do not intend on PvP’ing, and my sole objective is to play the game, collecting rare items and one shotting everything in my sight. I’d love a detailed guide (does not need to be a super detailed one) on what i should do.

i.e: “Try and get this item, or this ring, etc”

Thanks for your attention!

Welcome to DQ Forums @Canestri !

Read the Codex. If you don’t know what is available, you won’t know what to look for.

for improvements, keep an eye out for Stone of Nadroji (Ring). it has a Legend Affix that increases the Rank of Set Affixes (Green). it is dropped by Epic+ (Orange, Red, Purple) monsters on floors past 100. you can change any of the other affixes to something else that are better for your Build when you know what you want.

put Mythic affix Exposed on your Chest Item. enemies pierced take +50% damage (Boomerang & Whirling Blades both Pierce enemies). you need 4 Sockets on the Chest, and you place the Mythstones Gift, Clarity, Abyss, and Zenith to get Exposed. for the ones you don’t have, you can use Gold to upgrade two of the same Mythstone to one of the next Mythstone.

Crystal affixes are triple value Epic affixes. there are 20 of them and you can only have 1 on each Item.

having higher Critical Chance and Critical Damage is a good way to do more damage.

if you have a Pet, get an Epic Luck +75%, Gold Find +75%, and Weaken +30%, Crit Chance +15%, Crit DMG + 75%, and +15% Orbit.

if you have time, do Searches :mag: in the forums to learn what other players have shared or learned.

Sorry for taking so long for a reply, but i did my research in the meanwhile!!

Found one of your old posts on how to make a beginners farm build, tried it and it has been awesome, tough i have a few questions.

In one of your guides you mentioned all the crystals a begginer needs, wich is basically three, but you also said about item quality (percentage, not rare, epic, etc…).

My question is, does item quality affects the quality of the reroll you get when using flourite? (does it give a narrower window, i.e: item quality -2% gives you a window of 30-70% of the total stat you can get, or, item quality +15% gives you 70-100%.

Also, i’m assuming the main goal now is to climb as far as i can while gathering resources for a stronger build? i.e: that miss fortune rogue build.

Thanks and please let me know if you understand what i meant!

yes, but not quite like that. all affixes have a min & max value, and Fluorite will generate numbers between both of them them. for Normal, Magic, Rare, and Epic Tier Items with low Item Quality, they will rarely generate the higher values with Fluorite while having high Item Quality will generate higher values more often. also, an Items Level has an effect on the max value possible. I’ve also recently discovered that floor level has an effect on max value possible (I had to go up to floor 120 to max out an affix that I couldn’t max out on floor 100)

Legend Items will generate values between 75% to 100% of an affixes value.

climb until it gets too hard, then just get Maps from the Shop for the floor you stopped on, and farm it until you can improve your build to climb easier again. or go to a lower floor and to the same.

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