Help me start farming crystal and eternal items

but there is stun immune

But chance to stun is still more useful than arcane “chance” to do nothing. In my opinion affixes with stun/frozen etc immunes should be removed and add the crowd control resistance. For example 25% affix crowd control resistance will lower the duration of cc by 25%. The cap could be ~75%. All this while also maintaining the current dimnishing returns to prevent players from stun others all the time without ability to defend.

Imo, arcane should have a wrath like effect. Any enemies around you get wrath with arcane on them. This can be good for ascendant.

Also for a buff, celestial should deal increased dmg to arcane wrathed enemies by % as well as elemental orb increased dmg by %. Arcane orb already does 200 % weapon dmg but with those buffs, it can go very high. Celestial at 600 % should make arcane orb deal 7x more dmg which means 200 % × 7 = 1400 % dmg. The orb can deal nice dmg but it’s the accuracy issue. Although wih the new effect of celestial that I suggested, it would be 1400 % × 7 = 9800% dmg. That’s the orbs dmg but the other attacks won’t deal that big a dmg with a new buff like that.

It does sound op but in comparison to blistering,high voltage, blight and frostbiting, not even close.

Fire dot deals 80% dmg in 2 seconds. With inferno, that is doubled to 160%. In 0.5 seconds, it would deal 40% dmg as fire dot. Immolate would deal 100% of it so it becomes 80% dmg.

With 600% blistering, the bleed will deal 600% of that 80% dot in half a second. This means 80% × 7 = 560% bleed dmg. That combined with the 40% immolate and 40% fire dot in 0.5 seconds and you see just how powerful fire is. That’s only the beginning of it too. It’s already far more powerful than arcane without wrath and that. Add vampiric touch,crits and stuff to the mix and you get more powerful.

Blight is very good but thats because of other things like plagued, druidic and poison cloud as well as absurdly high dmg.
Poison dot deals 10% in 1 second out of 8 seconds. Poison cloud deals 400% of that 10% so that becomes 440% dmg. With blight 600%, thats 440% ×7 = 3080%
With druidic at max regens without epiphany, 3080% × 15= 46200% dmg poison dmg. Now don’t even get me started with plagued.

With 20 monsters in poison cloud plagued effect, 46200% × 2500% = 115000% poison dmg. This is only in 1 second as well. Green garden is super powerful. Also this is way before any buffs from crit dmg and stuff like that. What’s more is that you can easily repeat the dmg when possible. Goes good also with fester.

Frostbiting and frozen is good but not as powerful as plagued but still extremely powerful. You still need extremely high dmg before it gets multiplied by frostbiting and frozen. With frozen, the frostbiting spikes as many times as frozen explodes.

Here just one example from hachimon:

800% * 105% ST Heroic = 1640%
1640% * 50% GlassCannon = 2460%
2460% * 50% Momentum = 3690%
3690% * 20% Zealous = 4428%
4428% * 25% Defiant = 5535%
5535% * 100% Energy = 11070%

◆SwordThrow on Encased Monster (Frozen)
11070% * 600% Frostbiting
= 77490%

◆SwordThrow Spike Damage (Crit & Deadly)
Critical Hit 77490% * 350%
= 348705%
Deadly Strike 348705% × 3 (Brutal)

With one frozen explosion, 1046115% × 2.25 = 235375875% dmg and thats just one frozen explosion after such high dmg. Then frostbiting spikes again. Obviously, if you deal few billion dmg, thats massive with frozen to make it better.

Shock, yes it is less powerful than the others but still much more powerful than arcane by a longshot because apart from the orb, arcane feels underpowered. Arcane is too reliant on the orb or having ascendant to deal good dmg. I can deal ok dmg at floor 1k with arcane but it’s much easier with other elements.

Shock has the stack debuff. With 600% high voltage, that would be 1.5 × 7 = 1050% dmg. Also thats before you count crit dmg, set dmg, etc etc. Shock enemies get paralysed too which makes things that much easier too. Shock on its own is pretty competitive in the end game if you know what to do and it’s good at multiplying bleed dmg too. That’s why it’s good with fire. The fire speeds up bleed dmg by inferno and shock paralyses as well as multiplys with stack debuff. bleed multiplies by high voltage and stack debuff too. This is a big deal because with 1B dmg per second, that can get multiplied to higher dmg per second drastically.

Poison with bleed is an ok combo because you can get bleed from bleed chance to deal that huge poison dmg if possible but it’s not always necessary.

Arcane is so much less powerful than all the other elements and needs a big buff to be more comfortable to use for end game.

Edit: I forgot to mention that shock is still good for multiplying bleed even without blistering. See redrum warrior or Godwarth Build.

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This isn’t the most accurate description I make but I tried my best. I think you get the point about arcane.

i get your point well explain for me
that math explanation :smile:

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I need to find obsidian. At what difficulty and floor will they drop?

At floor 500+ m3 you get the highest crystal rarity but even then obisidian is really rare.
Imo best way to get it is by converting crystal and eternal legends.


Thanks dust. Looks like I’m finally understanding how to efficiently grind.

Currently, I need more gold find.

What I’ve been doing is using Kyanite to remove an affix and Angelite to ad affix and hope it rolls as gold find.

Is there a better/faster/easier way of getting a gold find affix?

Finding items with gold find. Or reroll one epic affix to gold find.

So any epic affix has a chance to reroll a gold find?
Or is it only certain ones?

Yes with sapphire crystal you can reroll any normal or epic affix into gold find.

I just added about 130% gold find to my hireling’s items but don’t see an increase in my stats page. Still at 291%. Why is that?

Becouse you need both characters to have gold find affixes. Add gold find on your main and it will increase. Gold find averages between your characters but you can’t go with one character over cap to have both on cap.

I’ve finally got some decent gear! I’m doing about 1.5M-11M damage per critical hit and have about 450 gf/luck.

I’m trying now to increase my damage so I can survive better at floor 600.

I’m using the set affix Cosmic Power, which says " Time Warp adds +62% DMG to projectiles".

  1. Is comet a projectile?
  2. Is skullshield a projectile?
  3. Do I have to be standing inside the time warp bubble to get the bonus?
  4. Once the projectiles exit the time warp bubble does the bonus still apply?

3 and 4 Yes

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When using an Amethyst, does the pool of set option change if your on a higher floor when you use it?

Example I’m looking to get Plagued or defiant. If I use it while on floor 600, will I have different chances for certain sets compare to say floor 200?

I’m pretty sure, not likely… Also, defiant isn’t avaliable through amethyst. Plagued is from amethyst.

The sets that are generally not available through amethyst: Defiant, malestrom, mayhem, berserker, masochism, epiphany, seven deadly sins, crystalline, nadroji, eternalized, smoke screen and gladiator.

Oh ok cool. So for defiant, any particular level and difficulty best for farming it?

Floor 200-201 m3 just farm there many times until you get one. Defiant is hard to drop try get item drops %200 on your stats page

Defiant items drop in any difficulty at floor 200. Nadroji robe and crown require epic difficult at floor 200 at least. Malestrom items at floor 200 doesn’t have difficulty requirements either. They’re all rare legends too. Sfill, best to farm in m3 because of difficulty bonus, maybe pretty easy if you figured it out and has the best loot drop rate/ gold rate. Compared to floors above floor 200, items drop a whole lot on floor 200. Still, going above floor 200 is must have to farm masochism items, scoundrel, frozen, crystalline, eternalized, mythical , aethereal drain items, berserker, seven deadly sins, epiphany.

Some of these items help a huge amount for farming in future with sets like eternalized, crystalline, mythical, and epiphany if you didn’t already know about them.

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