read through the Codex so that you can have a basic understanding of the game.
are ‘red stone’ the Dust used to buy Legend Items? when using Dust to buy lots of Legend & Eternal Items, make sure you have lots of Gold. when I was a noob, I ran out of Gold converting everything I didn’t need to Dust, but I did have lots of Dust! at the time, I didn’t even know what a Farm Build was.
not too long after Patch 3.0 came out, and after reading a lot of posts on DQ Forums, I started asking questions and Ascending my Wizard for all 6 Perks, then started my first of many Farm Builds, and then I started PVP and Climbing Floors. and I still read DQ Posts… sometimes I look for the older posts to get some ideas even though the game has changed a lot since those old post were written.
for now, experiment with your builds, Search the forum for help, and ask questions, because there are a lot of tips and knowledge here.