Hireling bug

Telling use X happens means nothing. None of the posts have indicated a way to reproduce the bug, the cause behind the bug or any solution to the bug.

You do not go to a doctor just because your stomach is hurting for no apparant reason. They will not attempt to heal you. You will need to give them as much information as possible. It could be food poisoning, cancer or just a minor allergic reaction for example.

If you want something to get fixed faster, instead of us throwing spagetti at the wall to see if it sticks, tell us the exact cause. So far only 3 out of hundreds of thousands of players have experienced this bug. Our chances of finding this bug at complete random is just as low. You are just unlucky to be one of the 3 randomly chosen out of over 200k+ active users to find this bug.

I understand you want this fixed but unless more information is given, not much can be done. Until then upload your save and contact support to get your char fixed: