My hireling has reset his hero lvl twice and heroic lvl once. It hsppens after he starts the map dead but can be seen standind partialy invisible. He has all his stat points and heroic points still but every time he lvls up it takes the 3 points from health. Hope u can help because I can’t change my gear due to lvl requirements.
It happened to me once.
I just leveled him up again.
But now that you’re saying that occurred to you twice, I’m starting to get worried since I’m not a fan of the process of leveling up.
Moving to our new Bug Report forum
Yeah it just happened to me after I updated… this is a serious problem.
How could this possibly get through testing?
This is a ton of time lost assuming there is no fix.
Edit: i just saw this was started a few weeks ago with no dev response. What is going on with this??
Simple answer really, its never happened before. Can’t fix what’s not occurred, it’s not magic.
If it happens more that we can get more details, or any of us experience it that we can figure out steps to reproduce the issue, then it can begin to be fixed. Until then, we are just as in the dark as you.
How could this possibly get through testing?
Simple answer really, its never happened before. Can’t fix what’s not occurred, it’s not magic.
If it happens more that we can get more details, or any of us experience it that we can figure out steps to reproduce the issue, then it can begin to be fixed. Until then, we are just as in the dark as you. [/quote]
What are you talking about? The testing question was rhetorical man.
It was reported twice here, with screenshots and a description, and now I am reporting it.
It is a proven bug that resets a characters level to 1.
This is just about as close to game breaking as you can get. It could be worse though… the game could just randomly delete characters or uninstall itself.
Telling use X happens means nothing. None of the posts have indicated a way to reproduce the bug, the cause behind the bug or any solution to the bug.
You do not go to a doctor just because your stomach is hurting for no apparant reason. They will not attempt to heal you. You will need to give them as much information as possible. It could be food poisoning, cancer or just a minor allergic reaction for example.
If you want something to get fixed faster, instead of us throwing spagetti at the wall to see if it sticks, tell us the exact cause. So far only 3 out of hundreds of thousands of players have experienced this bug. Our chances of finding this bug at complete random is just as low. You are just unlucky to be one of the 3 randomly chosen out of over 200k+ active users to find this bug.
I understand you want this fixed but unless more information is given, not much can be done. Until then upload your save and contact support to get your char fixed:
Telling use X happens means nothing. None of the posts have indicated a way to reproduce the bug, the cause behind the bug or any solution to the bug.
You do not go to a doctor just because your stomach is hurting for no apparant reason. They will not attempt to heal you. You will need to give them as much information as possible. It could be food poisoning, cancer or just a minor allergic reaction for example.
If you want something to get fixed faster, instead of us throwing spagetti at the wall to see if it sticks, tell us the exact cause. So far only 3 out of hundreds of thousands of players have experienced this bug. Our chances of finding this bug at complete random is just as low. You are just unlucky to be one of the 3 randomly chosen out of over 200k+ active users to find this bug.
I understand you want this fixed but unless more information is given, not much can be done. Until then upload your save and contact support to get your char fixed:[/quote]
Tell you the exact cause? No one even responded to the original post let alone asked a question to users here. Does a doctor just stand there and say nothing or does he ask questions?
3 people who took the time to post. You do know there are 3,164 out of 200k+ active users who even registered here let alone even post. So if every registered user posted this issue it still would be insignificant right?
What kind of B team responses are these jesus.
Did you speak with me via email (
If so the I should have your save data pulled down on our end. I don’t get to every single bug that is on this forum and Facebook/Twitter. The most consistent way for me to get support issues is through that email address. If you have emailed me then I should have as much data as we can get from your save game.
How do you know this was not handled via pms or the email I linked you to? You can see from the 3rd post that the devs are looking into this bug. I am just a volunteer tester so I do not have the information they do.
Sir my concern is when i updated my dq to i lost my level 76 rouge and it was change by level 1 rpuge, and i can’t upload or download t on my newly updated dq
If you have any account related issues, please go here:
The tread is sticked.
Shankie, please email and I will look at your issue.
Did you speak with me via email (
If so the I should have your save data pulled down on our end. I don’t get to every single bug that is on this forum and Facebook/Twitter. The most consistent way for me to get support issues is through that email address. If you have emailed me then I should have as much data as we can get from your save game.[/quote]
Thank you that is all I was looking for. I just realized I had it on another device and restored it to a slightly older version so I am good.
I just experienced this bug too, not a few minutes ago.
The bug starts when both the player and the hireling spawns dead in a map (mine happened on floor 184 mythic 3 challenger lava map).
Both character spawned near three boxes, two still intact, the other one was crushed when we spawned. I revived both characters, with the hireling in a bug state, similar to what OP described.
I didn’t read the challenger map I used so I have no idea if there were TnT props for the map. I popped the two remaining boxes but no TnTs were activated.
Perhaps the bug can be reproduced if you spawn characters over a destructible object?
I hope this info helps. Luckily, I backed up 2 hours ago… But… Goodbye ruby crystal…
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I have tried to do this multiple times already and it does not seem to be the cause of the bug. Thank you for your detailed notes!
Same Problem here. This happend the third time. Last time few minutes ago floor 298 EP7:
I died instantly after entering the map (tnt) but I can’t remember that I had to revive the hireling.
I realised the level reset some seconds later after my char “leveled up”. See Screenshot.
(walkthrough is on cause i reinstalled my tablet and game)
When I downloaded my account from the server after few months my hero pointso was set at 2.147B. My hero points was 4B+ before that was when my last save/upload to server same with my I don’t mind it just want to share it. Don’t look into LB full of new
Glad to see you back!
Just a quick question about op’s bug:
Has it ever occurred with a player who was lv 99?
That may be why its hard to reproduce.