How do u attack while running?

Recently, I’ve seen a video of rogue pistoleer build… but they attack while running… they said that it’s movement affix but when I saw in the dictionary there’s nothing about attacking while running
Can y’all help pls

( Sorry for asking too much…(I completely forgot my words))

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I think it depends on the skill. With a warrior hatchet, if I use Scalp, I can attack while on the move, but if I use Toss, the movement stops.

you can’t move when casting a skill. some skills are cast so fast that you can’t move, while other skills that are cast slower allow you to move after casting the skill until you cast the skill again.

use can cast a skill or move, but not both at the same time. some skills last a few seconds after you cast them, so you can move after casting. Twister lasts 5 seconds, if I hold the Twister button, I cast the Twister and then can move until the cooldown for Twister is done and then stop to cast Twister again.

I mean… if u can take a look at the video it’s on YouTube just search rogue pistoleer dungeon quest shiny box (I searched up dungeon quest shiny box cause majority of the videos are Roblox)

are you talking about this video? if so, he mentions that he uses a mod app on the build. although the video is sped up, either he is using a hack to move while shooting or just tapping Ricochet instead of holding the button to move while shooting. to be honest, it actually looks like he is moving while shooting, so it’s a hack. in one of his other video’s, he has a hacked Eternal Pet.

concerning hacks or mod apps, the Developers have said that if someone wants to use them in the Campaign Mode, they can’t stop them, but if you use hack/mod app modified items in Battle Arena and get caught, you get sent to the Cheaters Battle Arena.

@tdaniel or one of the other Dev’s could tell us for sure one way or another if it’s possible for a character to move while holding a button down for a fast APS skill with enough Movement bonus Speed. I have a Flintlock build with Ricochet at +60% Attack Speed, and I can’t move when holding the button down to shoot. I haven’t tested with maximum movement speed, as I didn’t think it woudl have been possible.

My movement never stops, nor does my swirling Hatchet.

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding?

Maybe I am delusional… If he sped it up or it’s just normal… I don’t know what to do bru… if I’m clearly wrong for creating this topic then I’m sorry for wasting ur time😓… I didn’t know if it was sped up… (the link is wrong btw it’s was climbing the floors/maps faster.)… also what happens if u get send to the cheaters battle arena?
Also is it cool or not allowed to have a cheater cheat in game but does not have modified items cause I have another account where I clearly cheat and other is not… (well the other account I gave to my friend and he forgot the pass lel)

Warrior main?? I get bored easily if I use warrior…

I get bored easily if I don’t use warrior. :joy:

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What’s ur recommended build for warrior that can be bought in shop? I wanna start a warrior gameplay since I haven’t played warrior ever since👽

That’s currently my build rn I’m so lost

@DJC I just did a test, and from what I can see, it has a fast cast animation, I can actually see it pause for a moment, but it’s so fast, it looks like it just casts while running. I haven’t used it in years, so I forgot how cool it was casting Twister with Wizard and then running after the Twister while casting Scalp.

there are a few posts where there is a discussion concerning the speed of the animations when casting skills, some being slow & others fast, but I think that was for skills with cooldowns. I am willing to admit I could be wrong with my understanding of how some things work, so you can bash me later if I am wrong. for example, Twister has a long cooldown, and I remember holding the button while running. I would pause for a moment to cast and then run with the Twister until I cast the next one. eventually I made a Twister Build with a cooldown so fast that I couldn’t run while casting. I want to do a test with high movement speed to see if I can move again, but that is a low priority for me at the moment.

just thought of using Scalp on Horn, running after casting Sprint and then holding Scalp!

@HyperSonar324 it’s ok to ask questions, that’s what the DQ Forums are for.

I think he just sped up the video so it didn’t take twice as long to watch. that was the first video that came up, and I watched about 5 different videos that had Ricochet. sorry it was the wrong one.

the Cheaters Battle Arena works just like the Battle Arena, the difference being everyone playing in the Cheaters BA are using Eternal Items & Pets that are modified in a way not possible in Dungeon Quest. if you got sent to the Cheaters Arena when you didn’t cheat, you can go to the Support Thread/Cheaters Discussion Thread or PM one of the Developers. they can check your account to verify, and if you are ok, you get sent back to the Battle Arena.

hacks & mod apps that affect Items that are then used in Battle Arena and noticed will be sent to Cheaters BA. discussing and/or posting screen shots in the DQ Forums that show some kind of hack or mod app being used (max Gold/Dust, having vanities that weren’t bought or earned properly, God Mode, anything else I don’t know about that affects Dungeon Quest in a way not intended by the Dev’s) could result in a Post being deleted or a Thread closed down and possibly a message by a Moderator or Developer giving a short explanation for the Ban Hammer being used. a person who ignores these warning could have their DQ Forums account banned permanently.

kill some monsters, practice using the different weapons & skills with the Items you found to figure out what you like to use (saves using Dust in the LegendEx), and if you find a combination you like, get them with Dust, and check the Talents to see what would synergize with the skills you want to use. after that, look in the Dictionary in the Codex to see what the affixes do, so you can make a good decision on what would go best with the skill & weapons you chose and your play style.

if you don’t know what the affixes do, and how they can work together, everything will just feel random.


Oh… My account is hack tho but I don’t use modified items… Im always grinding on that certain floor/map cause of that one item that I couldn’t get…

Also I know this is a forum but I feel like I’m wasting someone’s time by answering these stupid question that u know but I didn’t know… that’s just how I feel after asking 2 or 3 questions😭

I’ve been playing DQ for a lot of years, and I’ve read a lot of the Threads & Posts on the Forum. I don’t mind sharing, because if I get it really wrong, someone might correct me and so I learn something new.


Okay… I’m just overthinking a lot… anyways I have last question

How to guarantee drop that 1 item… Could you recommend a farming build for a beginner… I don’t have anything nadroji (except for the ring) but I have 2 externalized and 1 mythical… pls🙏?

all drops are random, the more powerful the Item is, the rarer it is. if you really can’t wait for it to drop, get Dust and buy it from the LegendEx.

for beginner farmers, check the difficulty level you are on to see what your Luck & Gold Find bonus is, subtract that from their caps, and that is what you need on your Equipment to have them maxed to the cap. having 20 points in Fortune Skill gives you +50% Gold Find, Luck, and Item Drop. this counts toward their caps, but means fewer affixes to reach the cap.

Luck affects the drop rate of Legend Items, if your Luck is low, fewer Legends will drop.

if you have an Imp Pet, go to Options > Pick Up and change the Pick Up Normal to Pick Up Legend+. the Imp will pick up all Items and convert them to higher Tier Items, and eventually only drop Legend Items.

5 Normal to 1 Magic
5 Magic to 1 Rare
5 Rare to 1 Epic
5 Epic to 1 Legend.

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To answer the original question, you can’t move while spamming primary skill, except maybe for some skills, if your attack speed is really high. However, you can move while holding secondary skill with Discordance in your build, if your attack speed is high enough. (Being a walking source of meteors is fun)


Warrior Lance - Charge is an exception.

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If anyone is still on this issue, I believe a high attack speed (AS) and low cooldown (CD) is the fix here… all attacks have a built in AS and CD, you can’t move while the attack animation is in play, so high AS makes the animation faster, but low CD makes the animations less frequent
As a side note, maybe an epiphany helmet would be good for your build?

You’ll have to test this to know for certain