How many floors are there in dungeon quest and has anyone reached the limit yet?

Or just buy a map at floor 200 for guaranteed cartographer at the end. :blush:

Yess better work hard hahaha

i need my chars be strong as soon as possible…thats why im looking for the mythics but i dont know the hint or formula…can anybody post the maximum affix? or the hint

@Griffin012 could u help this guy hahah i dont know where the guide for mythic item building is… And dude… Once u farm up to 200 and reached lvl 99 i suggest u ascend ur character u can buy ur first ascention in the shop… Where u can buy maps… The last one, pick the eternal drop perk , where u can get crystal and eternal drop rate to 300% … Happy farming! Just be patient. Note that when u ascend u get to go to lvl one again but u can lvl up faster than before…

@Griffin012 answered his same question in another thread

Here you go deathGG this is the topic :smile:

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Sorry for the hassle hhAhah thNks!

No problem love ya cool person of an unknown gender :green_heart: :smile:

Lol hahaha im a guy haha

ok then *love ya cool dude :green_heart:

Not sure if ur a guy or a girl hahahaha

Neither I’m a poltergeist with a smartphone :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh my hahaha still ur pretty awesome… Hahah

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Awww thank you! :green_heart: :smile:

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U sure ur a poltergeist ? Haha ur pretty nc ! Hahah i mean poltergeist are suppose to be ghost wrecking havoc and everything and u are the exact opposite hahaha


I dunno have you seen the number of memes I post that’s gotta count as havoc right :stuck_out_tongue: :green_heart:


Oh canadians are so nc! Hahah thats why i love yall!

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HhAhah that is hilarious hahahaahah lmao

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Highest floor possible in this game is the 32bit integer which is 2.147 billion. I mean this game is 32 bit so that’s why the highest in leaderboard is 2.147 Billion. However, going there legitly isn’t a thing but the highest floor possible reached legitly was probably floor 5k or so. If the floor limit was 64 bit, holy wow, it would have like quintillion floors lol but who needs that many. More than enough floors to go through and spend much time on.