How to reach hero skill to lvl 20-40

how can i spend more heroic points to my skullshield, it is already lvl 20 and i want to make it like lvl 40 like others. im lvl 44 wizard now please help me

there are a few ways to do this. Heroic Skills Points can only go up to Skill level 20.

put two Epic Skullshield +10 on your Items. this takes up the fewest spaces.

if you are using Skullshield and one other Skill to kill enemies, you could go two Epic Skill affix +10 for each of the Skills, or use one Epic Skill affix +10 for each and put two Elixer Mythstones on your Weapons for +10 All Skills (+5 from each). either way uses 4 spaces and gets you 2 Skills up to 40.

you could use one Epic Skullshield +10 and 2 Elixer MS to get to +40 Skullshield and have +10 in your other 3 Weapon Skills for free. this takes up 3 spaces.

oww thank you so much but i dont know when i can do that, btw im new and im in 30+ floor for now

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You can do that when you have decent amount of kyanite (removes 1 affix). The idea is to get rid of exactly 1 yellow affix on a epic item, then use angelite to put an orange one. Repeat until you have only orange affixes. After, just spam larimar/saphire to get the affixes you want.


when you run out of Larimar and Saphire, just use Kyanite to remove one affix you don’t need and then use Angelite to put one back. eventually, you will have 6 Epic affixes you want for an awesome hday16264 Build!