Keep or replace bow

I’m using this bow ATM since its my best one. Should I keep it or try to make one better ?

depends on your build and purpose (PvP or PvE)
it’s a good bow and probably you should keep it until you can find and craft a better one (e.g. vacuus scipio)

All in One bow hahaha Keep it

Farming cs/ms ATM.
Vacuus scipio haven’t drop for me yet -_- struggling on getting one.

If you can compensate the other affixes that you need. eternal equips is very nice. ^^
It loses on flexibility to crafting but if you can maximize it go for it.

If you get an almost perfect eternal affixes rank.,., then keep it.,., Cause you might get a perfect combination of eternal set.,.,

save some eternal chest go to ice map then open all your chest :smile: