Look what I found

I found this around floor 55

It’s a diieter I think

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Yes it is a diieter :dieter: recognized contributors get some monsters named after them.

When you encounter purple enemies, they are named after the developers instead.

Yeah. I don’t like Steiger. He doesn’t give me good items. Livid gave me a Crystal Eternal so I like him. XD

This guy is way cooler than Diieter. :wink:

For me, both of you are on the same Cool Level :wink:

Nah, Diieter’s cooler. Plus he has seniority over Rubik.

Never spawned a Mythic Enemy (I’ll probably die when I do)…

[quote=“Ircher”]Nah, Diieter’s cooler. Plus he has seniority over Rubik.

Never spawned a Mythic Enemy (I’ll probably die when I do)…[/quote]

No one has seniority, dieter and Rubik are both at the same level :dieter:

Well… technically… he has seniority in terms of time here. However, im a tester admin and can do things he can’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I digress and agree to share equal parts coolness with him. :sunglasses:

Rubik, you are poor! XD You need to farm more gold. =P

Well that was after I went on a [CENSORED] spree, I have more now. :smile:

Ah the [CENSORED] spree! I need to do more of that too but I also need my Gold for other things. XD
