Looking for ways to counter thorns pve

I am practicly unstopable pve, but thorns is my bane. Any ideas or sugestions?

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Thorns works a lot like Crushing Blow, so it can’t kill you, but it does lower your HP to make you vulnerable to attacks that can kill you.

  1. wait for Thorns to go away, attack, stop, repeat until enemy dead.
  2. have enough Health so that when you are healing, Thorns wont be a problem. I did a Masochism/Defiant Sets & Blood Magic Mythic combo. Thorns kept me from being able to attack, as my HP was too low. I added an extra +250 HP on Hit, and it fixed the problem. sort of. it was a build in progress. it also depends on the build. more HP Regen could work just as well, or some combo of the two.
  3. use +100% Glasscannon to get down to 1 HP (Wizard Talent Empower 40 gets you to 1 HP also, I think. you can use this with Glasscannon). you don’t have to worry about healing or Thorns anymore, but if your defense/movement sucks, you will die a lot.

Thanks how do i tell if thorns is active?

when active, Thorns makes it look like the enemy is glowing, kind of like an orange aura. it lasts for about 2 seconds(?), and then is off for about the same amount of time. some of the higher Tier monsters are big enough that you might not be able to see the aura, like the Epic+ Slimes.

the other way to tell is that your HP stops disappearing when you are attacking, and then disappears again.


Try add reflect dmg affix, 60% crushing blow Hp on hit and, don’t forget the Electrified and, Living Force set it will be a way smother. For the endurance sets Defiant, Permafrost, Pathfinder and, for the knock Frozen and Demonic with mythic Bloodmagic

And, for the last set you can either choose the following:

1st Vampiric Touch,

2nd Aetheral Drain if your mythic choice is Alchemy since mp regen is not working while you can change permafrost bunos with crushing flame and, the frozen berserker bunos

3rd either of the three Eternalize, Crytalyn and, Mythical set

But, when you fight mythical monster or, legends speacially on high floor the most better from farming are bunoses of crushing flame, Berserker and Haunting in my experience that already spend you five sets

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I countered it with health and mana steal witch pairs nicely with my build. I am a god as long as i and dealing lots of damage.

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CF CB excecuted dmg