Look's Like their will be no more Immortal Build Now


You play as warrior, right? If so, use blessed talent to get insane resists.

Remember that block and dodge means you avoid getting hit. You don’t need to be a tank.

100% damage reduction!!?? How will you gonna take some damage? Is this by negative elemental effect?

no. the problem is, if both players have this kind of build, the attacker will always end up in a draw and have to surrender for a loss eventually.

anyone can make a build like this, it just takes time and a good understanding of PVP Crafting. one of the Mod’s came up with an Infinite Defense Build (@Mr_Scooty) just to see if it could be done. it might be fun for someone to put a build like this in the Battle Arena, but if every one did that, PVP would die a silent death. so best to show you can do it, and have a Build in the Arena that can die, even if it’s hard to kill. :crossed_swords::shield: .

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