As I’m sure everyone is aware of, every 5 floors of the regular games also has an act boss you must defeat. Used to, back before there were cartographers and challenge maps, I used to play against the act bosses all the time; however, now that we have challenge maps and cartographers, I almost never fight the act bosses because the challenge maps skip them. While there is nothing wrong with the way challenge maps work currently, I think it does get a little dull at times.
Thus, my suggestion is that the developers consider adding more enemies like the act bosses because they are really neat and unique among the enemies in Dungeon Quest. Furthermore, I would like to see these bosses be incorporated in some way to the existing challenge map structure; perhaps make it where every 10th floor (of a challenge map: eg: 200, 210, 220, et cetera), instead of there being a regular map, there is a huge boss similar to that of the act bosses. I think it would be neat, and that it would really provide some nice variety to playing the game.