Must Read New MH [IDEA]

New Lagend Weapon MH


Thunder Fang (Dagger) element shock [permanant element/unchangeable]


  1. Disaster [Set Affix]
    2.Awakening [lagend affix]
    3.%ED [lagend affix]
    5.Element Crit chance
  2. Empty socket.

Underworld Flame (Chakram) Element Fire [Permanant element/Unchangeable]


  1. disaster [Set affix]
    2.Awakening [Lagend affix]
    3.%ED [lagend affix]
    5.Element crit chance.
  2. Empty socket.


Voodo curse (Gauntlet) element poison. [permanant element/Unchangeable]


  1. disaster [Set affix]
  2. Awakening [lagend affix]
    3.%ED [lagend affix]
  3. element crit chance
    6.Empty socket.

Blizzard (Wand) Element ice [permanant element/unchangeable]

1.Disaster [Set affix]
2. Awakening [Lagend affix]
3.%ED [lagend affix]
5. element crit chance
6.Empty socket


Cursed Blade (Sword) element poison [permanant element/Unchangeable]

1.Disaster [Set affix]
2.Awakening [Lagend affix]
3. %ED [Lagend affix]
4. +ED
5. element crit chance
6. empty socket.

Zeus Warth (Axe) Element shock [permanant element/Unchangeable]

1.Disaster [set affix]
2. Awakening [lagend affix]
3.%ED [lagend affix]
5. Element crit chance
6.empty socket

Introduction of new Affix:
Set Affix
Disaster: Swap ED and WD calculation format. (As ive read in some thread WD is the first calculated and ED is the last. by this set, it will swap making ED will be calculated first and WD will be calculated last.

Lagend affix
Awakening: % chance (equal to total Element crit chance) to cast Chain (shock), Outbreak (Poison), Lava (fire) and Deep freeze (ice)

Chain (Shock): Effected monster will create chain to one another effected. (almost same like trap and sentry, as trap chain to another trap) basicly the monster it self become like trap. +10% damage dealed for each monster chained (max chain 15 monster = 150% damage)

Outbreak (poison): monster killed will summon voodo doll taunt monster around and explode after 2 sec spawning poison cloud.

Lava (fire): monster killed will malted and create lava pool, dealing 400% fire DoT for 4 sec.

Deep Freeze (ice): monster killed will Freezing serounding monster and dealing 10% monster current HP for 3 sec.

I remember there’s only one guy who spells legend as “lagend”…

Hmm :laughing:

Though I really like the idea of shock splinters returning to the game as sets.