My build :D should I chage anything

Pretty nc my friend. And I suggest after you get those nadrojis aim for higher floors for better loots on crystals and myhtstones

Ya I will do Iā€™m just farming floor 110 for them drops

Ooooo ya :wink:

Haha congrats. After hours of hard grinding you Finally got it

Now be careful in crafting you might make a wrong move go check some guides for build first

I will check and just got this bad boy

In crafting what do you mean?

You might remove the important affixes like +2SETS

And legend maps are pretty normal you can get 1 for every 25maps collected and 100 cartographer kills

Ooooo I see what you mean now thanks a lot :slight_smile:

A little update on my build :smiley:

First chest bit not useing