Need help with my build to my wizard (pve)

if you are Ascending for Perks, climbing higher floors will only slow you down. the monsters only get harder to kill, they can kill you easier, and the Experience you get from monsters stop going up at level 100. you need 2x Experience for the second Perk, and 3x Experience for the third. eventually you will want 6 Quest Stones on your Equipment to max out your Experience Bonus. that is 6 less spaces to do damage or defend. and a lot of people put some Farm affixes on their Ascending Build, so they can get more Gold and better Luck, to get better loot as they play and get ready to make better Builds later when done getting all the Perks. most players farm for Experience on floors 100+ to 200, depending on how fast they want to get experience and if there is a particular item they want to get. plus the advice of the other Posters on the Thread, good job everyone. :+1: