Need help with my first pvp build

Gunner Rogue in PvP. :blush:

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@Dust Block and Dodge are the same. It is better to use Dodge instead of Block because you have Pathfinder…

Nice damage, how do you deal with cooldown and do you use enigma to get close for scattershot?

pvp hype ftw … hope everyone aim for top spot it will be fun if lots will keep competing. hope dey give rewards for the top 3 spot or top5 to give players motivation to keep pvping

@Dust hope dey kick out all hacker its so frustrating to lose the points u hardly earn just cuz of them

@Griffin012 love the hype bro … u just wont step down from the throne lel… everytime i check we just always switch position lel im almost at my angelic aura btw haha 100more game togo i think … the cheater mikuyo got kick from top 3 but the new top3 was still the hacker account Goodboi.handi zzz dey just wont give up too


My AI setup is to use Primary Skills (Ricochet) when enemy is far and when enemy is on the range to spam (Scattershot) my AI setup use it. Im not using Enigma. Just fight without blinking.:blush:

That’s because it’s mine :kissing_heart:

@Griffin012 damnit mikuyo is on top again he just wont stop lol

shrugs gives me an excuse too earn chests so I’m fine with it

finally got my angelic aura haha im gona rest a bit on pvp gona farm crystals again and some eternals

Nice :+1:

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