New Guy Questions on CS

I took it as “What Skills can be put on What pieces of Gear”. At least that’s the part I am working on right now. I have printed out all the abilities and what goes on what and using Crystals to get it right but it is very tedious, time consuming, and expensive lol. One can only farm so many hours in a day.

To be honest, there are only two ways to learn DQ.

  1. Trial and error: you can bumble and fumble around in the game and learn your own way through things.
  2. Browse forums - constantly. I have next to nothing in game. I have multiple half-assed builds, mythic league in arena. However, I am always on the forums, and I can tell you almost anything about the game’s mechanics, items, etc.
    I still play the game, but not always. Maybe like an hour or two (max) a day. I spend my time affiliated with the game penciling builds, giving feedback, and creating my huge compendium, for the most part.

Just do whichever you feel, or a combination of both, and you’ll get to know the game. :wink:

This “huge compendium” I speak of is a guide on all things DQ. Like the wiki, but more in-depth and on the forums. It’s so huge, and it has so many parts. I can’t wait to finish it. If I ever do. Ugh. :disappointed_relieved:


I printed most of what I found so far so I can reference at some point. But for me:

  1. Trial and Error is great to a point. I am not trial and erroring it with Crystals / Mythstones lol. I work too darn hard to get those suckers and I’ll pass on that. PVM builds are pretty easy to trail and error. PVP builds are extremely hard as the Practice Arena is very bland and doesn’t help in knowing what works and what doesn’t.

  2. I have been on the forums for a few days now and so far, learning all the fancy Acronyms you guys use for everything seems to be the biggest pain. I read one thread then have to do a search to understand what all the LOSKO and LP / EP8 / means.

I am a few hour a day person myself.


You can find alot of acronyms in the game’s codex, but quite a bit of the acronyms on the forums are forum specific. Like LOHKO (I think you meant) is a build by cronos entitled Lucky One-Hit Knock-out. When you see people use EP + a number, that is a difficulty. The game, in its early days, instead of using names for difficulties, used EP1, EP2, etc.

Yeah I’m slowly getting the lingo down.

Just takes time. Lots of it. :blush:

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